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18 May 2004 by Matthew Linderman’s The Virtues of Chitchat discusses how companies use “plogs” (project logs) to manage projects. One Slashdot commenter objects to the term though.

“Blogs,” “moblogs,” and “plogs” are not words. They are ill-conceived marketing creations, no better than “information superhighway” and “top-speed technology.” They exist to perpetuate the myth that personal publishing is going to reinvent the web as a means of communication.

Weblogs are personal web pages or journals. Plogs are project logs. Photologs are photo journals. Sure, the terms are longer, but they actually sound reasonable compared to “blog.”

27 comments so far (Post a Comment)

18 May 2004 | Steven Garrity said...

Yeah, "plog" is pushing it. I've really never liked "blog" either. I usually use "weblog" instead - "blog" just sound goofy. That said, I've pretty much given in to the ubiquity of the "blog".

18 May 2004 | Don Schenck said...

Sounds like somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed.

18 May 2004 | Charbel said...

in that case, Basecamp is some sort of plog then :)

18 May 2004 | Michel Christensen said...

I agree with Don - it really sounds like somebody got up of the wrong bed..

18 May 2004 | Nick Zadrozny said...

Something tells me it's less about marketing and more about syl-la-bles: "Per-son-al-jour-nal" vs. "blog"? No contest.

"Not words," he says? Well, now they are. That's one of the great things about language: it's dynamic.

18 May 2004 | RMCox said...

So if blog came from weblog shouldn't a project log, to remain consistent with this convention, really be shortened to tlog? You know, as in projectlog? Or, if the moblog convention is to be used, possibly prolog?

To me, plog seems like the worst choice since I pronounce it pee-log which seems inappropriate, no matter how apropos it may in fact be in a given situation.

18 May 2004 | Erin said...

How about we just call them all "web sites" ?

Before any of these buzzwords came around, people wrote on their web sites, collaborated via web sites, posted photos on their web sites... I tend to think the people creating new terminology are simply trying to achieve Internet stardom by making a mark in the online vernacular.

(Random thought: Todd Dominey had a wonderful commentary on this subject about a month ago.)

18 May 2004 | Jonny Roader said...

'Weblog', 'blog', 'blogger', 'blogosphere'...hate 'em all. Can't say why but I have a visceral dislike of the term and its relations. Hearing it has a similar effect on me as when I see curdled milk, or think too much about blood moving inside my body, or hear a snippet from 'Titanic'.

18 May 2004 | Brad Hurley said...

I pronounce it pee-log

Now there's an idea. I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone, somewhere, is keeping an online log of his or her urination patterns.

An undocumented life may not be worth living, but nobody said we were obliged to publish it for the rest of the world to see.

18 May 2004 | Darrel said...

"How about we just call them all "web sites" ?"

Oh man...this reminds me of a client I had once. They were a government consulting firm. Big on streamlining government and reducing beauracracy.

Well, we helped them develop this government community site. They had a penchant for making up names for everything. Well, they simply refused to call it a 'web site'. They insisted on calling it a 'web enabled tool'. Ugh. Drove me nuts.

Blog is a silly word, but it is now a word. Plog is a bit odd. It's a type of blog. Project Blog makes more sense. Or a p-Blog.

(insert my new 37sig sig/request...)
Can you get the Firefox, can't-scroll-left-to-see-rest-of-SVN-bug fixed? You need to give your body a min-width = to the width of the container DIV (min-width: 766px).

18 May 2004 | John S. Rhodes said...

Blogs, moblogs, and plogs are not words.

I suppose if only one person used these words, they wouldn't be words. They would be word-like-things (WLTs). However, if more and more people use these WLTs they will become words. Name something a demon and it becomes a demon.

I suppose you can fight the fight. The way to do that is stop using the word. More importantly, you need to stop others from using the word. Unless you stop the use of the word, it will survive.

18 May 2004 | beto said...

"Blog" has always sounded stupid to my ears. And the word actually is way too linked to the concept of personal pages full of nonsensical ramblings by 15 year-olds, so it probably has its own approriate concept. "Plog"? That sounds like Chinglish for "ploglamming"....

18 May 2004 | stone said...

Blog and plog may not be melodious, but they've got a lot of character. Anyone who rails against slang's degenerative effect on the language is fighting a losing battle.

18 May 2004 | Jonny Roader said...

"Anyone who rails against slang's degenerative effect on the language is fighting a losing battle."

Only if you believe slang lessens a language.

18 May 2004 | yra said...

blog, plog, slog. all the same to me.

18 May 2004 | Justin said...

Some folks are just having trouble thinking outside the box and embracing the paradigm shift to customer centric, backwards compatible, best of breed applications. Use of effective terminology helps create mind share that will gain traction and help companies move forward into vertical markets.

I love how the right words really do add clairity

19 May 2004 | Dave said...

I do think that the classic weblog or 'blog' is distinguished from a 'personal journal' by the importance of linking; I read a journal or diary website for the content itself while I read a blog for the links.

I'd also contrast a 'blog' with a personal 'web page' in that I assume the former will be updated frequently while the latter will usually remain static.


19 May 2004 | Allen said...

Now there's an idea. I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone, somewhere, is keeping an online log of his or her urination patterns.

I don't know about pee-logs but my fiance keeps a poo-logfor our goldfish.

I'll pass your idea of pee-logs to her ;)

19 May 2004 | wayne said...

"Only if you believe slang lessens a language."


19 May 2004 | Bryan said...

We use Basecamp to "Plog" and now we're ploggin' all the time.

19 May 2004 | Don Schenck said...

Just for Jonny:

Near, far, wherever you are
I believe that the heart does go on
Once more you open the door
And you're here in my heart
And my heart will go on and on


19 May 2004 | pero said...

It takes a fraction of a second longer to type most words without shorthand. (LOL, OIC, How R U?) I don't use much web lingo ('blingo').

Typing out weblog takes no extra effort than blog (at least the two extra letters are not taxing (at least for me).

I refer to my site as my website, the index page is my weblog.
I use Mozilla Firefox on Mac OS X / and on Windows and have never had problems with the width of SVN website. :-D

19 May 2004 | Eric said...

I call my "blog" weblog because it's common and it describes exactly what it is: a log in the web. Nearly self-describing even for newbies.

All other variations of "weblog" are just marketing gags, none of them will survive.

19 May 2004 | Brad Hurley said...

All other variations of "weblog" are just marketing gags, none of them will survive.

I bet "blog" will long outlive "weblog," though. I read somewhere that something like 90 percent of internet users have never even looked at a blog, but of the remaining 10 percent I bet a lot more of them recognize and use the word "blog" than "weblog." We may not like it, but that term is here to stay.

But I agree that the other terms like "plog" etc. don't have legs. It's like all the variations on the term "yuppie" that came out in the 1980s. It's hard to remember any of them now, other than DINKs (double income, no kids).

31 May 2004 | LNJ said...

From the society that gave us words like Yuppie, Vee-J, rad, bad, dude, awesome, DINK, hippy, Hep-cats/kitties, etc.

We modify our language. I agree that it is dynamic and in constant motion. Hell, "D'oh" is now included in the OED. If you don't like a word, simply don't use it. I don't like a lot of words and so I choose not to use those words. I try really had to NEVER discribe anything as, "Rad"!

Go back and read a newspaper from the 1910's or 20's. Beautiful writing that told a story and put you in the time and place that an event happened. It needed to do that, for newspapers of the times were filled with almost nothing BUT words. Now, our language has moved away from that, in many respects, since those boxes with moving pictures came into our homes. Well, in the advent of this new thing called, "The Net", language changes again, to keep up with and modify itself for the culture and technology.

Not so much a dumbing down of language and it's usage, more of a modification of that language. Just my thoughts, I could be wrong.

31 May 2004 | LNJ again said...

"I try really had to NEVER discribe anything as, "Rad"!"

Read had as HARD! Stupid typos.

PS. Would typo be another one???

15 Jun 2004 | Song Lyrics said...

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