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Jewelboxing: Make a case for yourself

25 May 2004 by Jason Fried

Our officemates at Coudal have finally launched “The New Standard” at Jewelboxing. Now you can get their marvelous CD/DVD short-run packaging system in either King (DVD-sized) or the NEW Standard (music-sized). Jewelboxing is now two-sizes fits all. Go get ‘em and make a powerful first impression. This is quality stuff.

6 comments so far (Post a Comment)

25 May 2004 | ~bc said...

Do our friends at Coudal not have an RSS feed? I can't seem to find it. I always forget to read their stuff, and this is my only hope, really.

25 May 2004 | David S said...

Now that, that's hot.

26 May 2004 | Design Crux said...

I find triggerpacks cool, flexboxes more ecofriendly, and boomerang cliptrays better for mailers.

26 May 2004 | Coudal said...

The Burgopak is a cool option too.

26 May 2004 | Michael Spina said...

I must applaud Jewelboxing and Triggerpacks for their home pages. Nothing answers "What is it?" better than a large, clear photo.

26 May 2004 | arturo said...

I agree. In contrast, the boomerang cliptray is the exact opposite.

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