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Rolling Rock Poem

01 Jun 2004 by Matthew Linderman

“All of the Words on a Bottle of Rolling Rock Beer in a Different Order” by Demetri Martin.

11 comments so far (Post a Comment)

01 Jun 2004 | Mark said...

Some people just have too much time...

Creative, however.

01 Jun 2004 | Jonny Roader said...


Reminds me of an interview I had when applying for a place at university. The interviewer handed me three pieces of 'poetry' and asked me to read them aloud to her, before offering my analysis. All three seemed to be rather experimental, with one in fact being written in prose.

After waxing lyrical for half-an-hour I came to the crunch question: which one is the poem, given that two aren't? Turns out that the prose piece was the only 'poem' (how obvious in hindsight), and the other two were just jumbled tabloid media articles. Indeed, the piece I chose as the poem turned out to be an interview with 'Gazza' (a famously wayward and inarticulate English football player) taken straight from the back pages of The Sun (a famously downmarket paper).

01 Jun 2004 | Matthew Oliphant said...

Turns out that the prose piece was the only 'poem' (how obvious in hindsight), and the other two were just jumbled tabloid media articles.

Your answer should have been correct as there is such a thing as found poetry, which is exactly what the Rolling Rock poem is an example of.

01 Jun 2004 | ~bc said...

I didn't think it was very good, although the idea is creative.

01 Jun 2004 | Daniel X. O'Neil said...

Try ObitPoems found from obituaries. Or a found poem from our favorite Mayor & political writer (registration required).

01 Jun 2004 | Joshua Kaufman said...

At least the outside of a Rolling Rock bottle is inspiring, because the stuff inside is just crap IMHO.

02 Jun 2004 | but that's just me said...

Things to do when you're drunk, Part One

02 Jun 2004 | Don Schenck said...

Beer ... yuck ... ought to put it back in the horse.

02 Jun 2004 | Brad Hurley said...

Things to do when you're drunk, Part Two

02 Jun 2004 | but that's just me said...

Ask not why my sweat smells like THAT is brilliant.

30 Jan 2005 | compatelius said...

bocigalingus must be something funny.

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