Ernest has relaunched the Bigha Blog (btw, a tabbed interface has been added to the design too). Otis the dog’s post sure sounds like EK though. If he starts chiming in on the presidential election, I’m really going to start getting suspicious.
Boy, it sure does look beautiful out in that neck of the woods.
Hey, to whomever it was that made the recommendation about the subtle tabs in my post way back when announcing the launch of our redesigned site, thank you!
I know I should be using a better rollover script to prevent the flashing on the first rollover, but this one was handy and we have about a zillion other things going on right now. As soon as I have a chance, I'll tweak that.
And ML, what are you talking about, that post was by Otis in his own words! I will admit that we have similar world views and we do spend quite a bit of time together (he's a good sounding board), but I would never take the liberty of posting as him.
Though this does remind me of that great Peter Steiner cartoon in the New Yorker.
The architecture of their bikes really makes the most of enjoying the beauty out there. In that you're able to sit up and look around without craning your neck.
In some strange way, I guess you could qualify that as being a product that was built according to the design.
Doesn't work in Firefox
Are you talking about vertical scrolling? I'm posting this from Firefox on Windows and it definitely seems a bit screwy. Interesting.
Yes, there is definetly a glaring error of some sort that obstructs the title and first couple of lines of the second article on the page.
Hmmm, Firefox...wasn't that a really bad movie starring Clint Eastwood?
Come on now.. Firefox was an awesome movie!
congrats on the business blog. i'm a cyclist as well and with the Seattle to Portland ride nearing, I'm seeing lots of recumbents out there.
It's been a long time since I've enjoyed cycling, and I'm starting to think about heading down to visit in a couple years when I'm finished University. I just have to see one of those things up close
... and Foxfire is a great book series.
What happened the BiGHA blog's old Archives from the original website?