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Basecamp: Quicker than two rabbits humping

03 Jun 2004 by Jason Fried

Lots of people have been sending in comments about Basecamp. While many of them are worth sharing, we’re especially fond of this one:

“…Basecamp is nothing short of amazing. The sign-up was short, sweet, and to the point; in fact, it was so simple we were sure we must have screwed the pooch somewhere along the line, and spent several minutes feeling our heart flutter, our bowels loosen, and shrieks of terror hauln ass up our spinal cord, slapping our wet-matter about after they had already kicked down the door and changed the television channel without asking. But, no. Thats all there was to it: no scripts, no installations, no archaic documentation that requires months of mind numbing translation to comprehend. Same goes for the rest of the interface: everythings tweakable, looks nice, and most importantly, just makes sense. And quicker than two rabbits humping, to boot…”

We’re glad ya like it! If you’re up for it, you can read the rest at Bits of Decay.

5 comments so far (Post a Comment)

03 Jun 2004 | Allen said...

How true. They have taken the words right out of my mouth. Especially about rabbit humping, and stuff. what was it again? :D

03 Jun 2004 | lisa said...

check the ads above -- funny. i see a couple referring to rabbits.

04 Jun 2004 | cyberhill said...

It's funny, the last time I felt this was signing up for the gmail beta. They asked for my username, and password and that was pretty much it. I was left wondering don't you want my home address and phone number and salary and occupation and marital status and ....

I think most people just aren't ready for things so simple =]

05 Jun 2004 | Seamus said...

Fabulous! Basecamp is simply the simplest web-based project management application I have seen, and not intrusive at all! I would recommend this to anyone who needs an affordable way to manage projects online. Great for small firms, designers, editors, book people, etc, or just about any operation that has a small team of online people running any amount of projects. Keep up the great work mates, and I'm featuring you in my blog site.

27 Jun 2004 | Dvdverleih said...

Hello, have a nice day! Carsten

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