Some selected shots from the Japanese Garden in Washington Park in Portland, OR. Ahh, Portland, we really liked you.
Got up this morning, feeling blue, don't want to go to work and the 37 guys put up these photos of a garden that, for some reason, made me smile. Thanks!
I really miss Portland. I lived the beatnik life there in the early 90s, well beatnik without the drugs and alcohol so not really beatnik.
I loved spedning time in the rose gardens and the Japanese Garden.
Great pics, thanks for sharing. Reminds me I need to get cracking on that book I began writing while living there. :)
I just visited there last year, but I didn't see the steps in "IMG_1311.JPG"
Very nice.
I just visited there last year, but I didn't see the steps in "IMG_1311.JPG"
Did you circle the oak tree twice and then slither down the trap door?
we liked you back. very nice presentation.
What do you mean, liked? Don't you like us anymore?
(I'm addressing JF, of course.)
Jason, so glad you came. Your presentation was great - clear and concise, with great, actionable examples. Great meeting you also!
I've lived all over the planet, and I chose Portland because it's got it all [nearby] - trees, mountains, rivers, ocean. That, and a good biz climate. Webvisions is like a big class reunion for all of us local developers. Come back next year!
Heading to Portland next week for OSCON. Recommendations appreciated!
Yeah ... I guess Jason's not a "girlie man"!
looks like you had "fun" in oregon.
btw, i forgive you. and things worked out for the best.