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Amazon Charging Full Price

22 Jul 2004 by Matthew Linderman

Hmmm…just noticed that Defensive Design for the Web is no longer discounted at Amazon. Same goes for other titles too. What happened to the % off list price that seemed to be standard?

16 comments so far (Post a Comment)

22 Jul 2004 | curio said...

Just curious... how many books did you sell?

22 Jul 2004 | Craig Jardine said...

Oh no it's started! They have crushed the competition, so now we'll all be paying full price again. Eeek

22 Jul 2004 | Jeni Grant said...

Odd. It looks like the vast majority of tech books on Amazon are full priced now. Amazon just shot themselves in the foot, methinks. Now I can wander down to the local B&N and buy it for the same price, without paying for shipping and waiting a week for it. Plus, mocha!

FWIW, Bookpool beats the pants off of Amazon's discounts, anyway.

22 Jul 2004 | Milan Negovan said...

I second Used them for years. Btw, my copy of "Defensive Design" should arrive any time now. ;) $16.50 at Bookpool. Good luck to Amazon beating that.

22 Jul 2004 | Yvonne Adams said...

I suspect it's a software glitch, since I've seen it happen a couple of times before.

One time, the Ingram database had all O'Reilly titles as textbooks (no discount).

I believe I've seen it happen with New Riders once before. Usually lasts a few hours until they catch and fix it.

23 Jul 2004 | Aaron Post said...

"$16.50" please, try 15.29 at good old

23 Jul 2004 | Sharad said...

No discounts on bestsellers!

23 Jul 2004 | Simon said...

I think I remember an friend in publishing explaining that the publishers, not Amazon, were forced to bear the cost of the discounts. So presumably Amazon have no particular motivation for discontinuing them. It's still discounted in the UK.

23 Jul 2004 | Tom said...

It might be discounted in the UK but it still works out as more expensive than the US! (16.45 = $30)

23 Jul 2004 | but that's just me said...

So then the 16.99 price quoted in the upper right hand corner of this page is incorrect, right? Amazon says it's 24.99. Man, that's quite a difference.

23 Jul 2004 | Scott Dowding said...

It's still only $25.15 Canadian:

23 Jul 2004 | JF said...

It's $14.59 at (plus $2.95 shipping).

23 Jul 2004 | Camilo said...

Encouragin the discount sellers? Have they changed their model as a result of the latest profits/expectations/etc. from Wall Street?
Your book is still, new, under 16.00

24 Jul 2004 | Lea said...

Does anyone know of a discount Canadian book store option, besides

24 Jul 2004 | Chris from Scottsdale said...

Looks to me like the price is back to normal on

24 Jul 2004 | Vaughn said...

Yeah, that's what I see...just a glitch.

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