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The Ultimate AirTunes Remote

28 Jul 2004 by Ryan Singer

iPod Remote Concept Illustration As others have noted, the iTunes/AirportExpress combo is missing one thing: a remote.

Here’s an idea. If the iPod interface is specifically designed to make browsing music and choosing playlists easy as pie, why not pull out the disk and swap in some AirPort action? The iPod screen would simply show music and playlists from iTunes instead of its own disk.

A lean little WiFinated iPod might not be cheap, but I can’t imagine a better remote interface to my music. What do you think?

Update: Someone else has a similar idea with cool sketches to boot — though I think it’s key to keep the screen and controls together.

15 comments so far (Post a Comment)

28 Jul 2004 | Brad Hurley said...

Doesn't look like the current iPod processor could handle that task, but a next-generation WiPod sure would be nifty.

28 Jul 2004 | JF said...

No, Brad, the iPod Remote that Ryan is talking about wouldn't touch or transfer music at all -- it would just be a remote control with the familar iPod interface. The music would still be transfered directly from your computer to the Airport Express base station.

28 Jul 2004 | sloan said...

Wouldn't adding Wi-Fi and the power to do the lossless encoding be a better solution. Eliminate the need for iTunes on a separate computer completely. If it was wi-fi it could always play any shared playlists on the network... But then, if you just want a remote there was an idea on engadget that looked pretty cheap:

28 Jul 2004 | Brad Hurley said...

Ah, now I get it...I suppose I can use the excuse that I only got 3 hours of sleep last night!

I like the concept, but it might be hard to convince iPod owners to cough up the money to buy a remote that looks and feels like an iPod, albeiit a super-slim version. As an iPod owner, I would wonder, "why can't Apple just make a real, fully functional iPod that would serve as the remote?"

Not everyone who uses iTunes and AirPort Express owns an iPod, but I bet an awful lot of people do.

28 Jul 2004 | Noah said...

Check out the Salling Clicker, while it's no iPod, it still fills the void. It's a serious problem, who wants to have to go choose music at their computer when it's being streamed to other rooms. I wrote an entry about this about a week ago on my site.

28 Jul 2004 | RS said...

It's a serious problem, who wants to have to go choose music at their computer when it's being streamed to other rooms.

Yeah, and worse yet -- how useful are "next/previous/play/pause" buttons for a giant music library?

29 Jul 2004 | Timothy Johnson said...

Why not just use the Griffin iTrip, or one of the many devices that allows you to broadcast the tunes on your Pod to an FM receiver, that effectually acts the same way. Granted, the battery life sucks because of the HD in the player, so if you slimmed it down to only the screen and wheel, it might be more like a remote, but then you couldn't take it with you either. There should definitely be a better way though of transmitting tunes, than the FM radio method.

29 Jul 2004 | kelby said...

Is it possible to stream audio through bluetooth? this may be an inexpensive option.

29 Jul 2004 | Aaron Post said...

An ipod like interface to control the music? Although I am not sure when or if it will ever be released.

29 Jul 2004 | mikes said...

sounds great, but I'm sure it wont happen anytime soon.

also note the airport express has no IR or BT capabilities.

29 Jul 2004 | mikes said...

for now using a laptop with ARD to control the itunes server is the only remote you can get for the express .... and thats kinda pricey

01 Aug 2004 | Noah said...

Beyond just the battery issue, the problem with the iTrip is the sound quality. There's some serious loss that occurs due to running it through FM.

Also, Sonos looks fantastic, and just the kind of thing that's needed. It's a bit pricey ($1199 for a two room starter kit), but it's definitely a step in the right direction to making wireless streaming music an accessible reality.

02 Aug 2004 | Josh said...

Re: previous comment. Yes, look at Salling Clicker! I've got a spare - ie. now redundant as a phone - T68i which connects via Bluetooth (with coverage across my entire flat) and allows me to remotely control iTunes.

My Airport Express arrived an hour ago (!) (no time to set it up til after work) but I am hoping that this will now be a 'complete' solution.

Obviously it would be great if my iPod mini had this all built in but this setup works ok for me. I just use the iPod when away from home, I think as intended. Why would I want to use my iPod (with only a selection of my library) at home when I can use my full library, stored on my home computer?

And now my T68i is no longer in use as a phone I can leave it on charge whenever I'm not using it and it is always available. As it's got older, the battery life has become pretty shocking (6 hours absolute max) but that isn't really an issue with this setup.... and I hate throwing old kit away!

03 Aug 2004 | Tim said...

Josh, I use the same setup as you, Airport Express with an old T68i as a remote. It works pretty well, although I'm not completely satisfied with either Salling Clicker or Romeo (a free open-source app that does much the same thing). I wish that the phone would auto-reconnect via Bluetooth when I wake my iMac but Salling Clicker doesn't do that and Romeo, which should, usually just crashes after my Mac has been put to sleep. Not sure about Salling Clicker but Romeo allows you to create various menu items to publish on your phone, so you can choose to put a few of your favorite playlists on your remote control.

03 Aug 2004 | Josh said...


You make a good point about auto-reconnect. For me, this is the only real drawback. Next year, when I update my phone again, the problem will be resolved. Some people may be ok now. Jonas Salling provides a useful Feature Matrix which shows that everything except the 'old' Ericsson phones will initiate a connection from the phone.

I'm trying to be patient!

As for the apps, I've never got on with Romeo as I've always found it too unstable. I also bought 'Clicker' when it was very new and so only paid about $5 for it. So far Jonas has given me free upgrades so I'm sorted!

There is a great iTunes 'controller' bundled these days (and downloadable) which lets me select any playlist or browse in the iTunes way. As I said, I seem to be sorted.

Salling Clicker is also fully scriptable so you can set up all sorts of extra loveliness. (surprisingly easily). So, for instance, I also use it as a DVD remote when playing video on my iBook (displaying on a projector no less).

Enough, I've got work to do!

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