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Millennium Park in pixels

29 Jul 2004 by Jason Fried

The Chicago junkies at Gapers Block just posted a bunch of great photos of Chicago’s new Millennium Park.

7 comments so far (Post a Comment)

30 Jul 2004 | jupiter said...

Amazing - you can really see in the faces that almost everybody finds access to a piece of art even though it's mostly very abstract. How are those chrome things kept clean?

30 Jul 2004 | Steve from Denver, now in FLA said...

Jason, what do you think of the new park?

30 Jul 2004 | but that's just me said...

Oh how I miss my beloved city.

03 Aug 2004 | Chris Kene said...

Oh, Chicago. Come to me. I want to be back in Chicago (living on the east coast right now, but spent 4 years there).

03 Aug 2004 | but that's just me said...

I feel your pain, Chris. I was born and raised in Chicago until I was about 10, and I've been living in Texas ever since. I'm still a huge Cubs fan, though, and I miss my home town terribly. You can take the girl out of Chicago, but you can't Chicago out of the girl.

04 Aug 2004 | One of several Steves said...

I miss Chicago too. I only lived there a couple years, but I've never enjoyed living somewhere as much as I did there.

04 Aug 2004 | Don Schenck said...

Wonder if Nomar will like it?

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