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Dan Cederholm's "Web Standard Solutions"

18 Aug 2004 by Matthew Linderman

Among books about XHTML and CSS, Dan Cederholm’s “Web Standard Solutions” really stands out. Instead of a lot of “this is why you should use CSS here” or “here’s how you can do this in CSS” (understandably the common approaches used in most first generation books on the topic), this book gives you “these are the three possible ways to do this in CSS and the advantages/disadvantages to each.”

There are in-depth analyses on a wide range of coding issues, including topics like 1) using various image replacement techniques — FIR, LIR, or Phark method? — to replace plain hypertext with graphical text, 2) providing alternate style sheets so people control the styles they see, 3) using tags like tabindex, fieldset, and legend to code forms wisely, and plenty more. And even the simple topics provide an enlightening contrast/comparison approach.

For a taste of Dan’s approach, check out the SimpleQuiz at

4 comments so far (Post a Comment)

18 Aug 2004 | Gene said...

Hmm, funny how it's bundled with the 37 sigs book at amazon... coincidence or dastardly plot? Just kidding, they really are both great books!!

18 Aug 2004 | F2 said...

Five years ago I used to have a personal website where I was using tables for layout and presentation. After a year of adding content I abandon because it became unwieldly whenever I wanted to do a site redesign. Recently bought Web Standard Solutions and found it to be a great book; it's enough to inspire and persuade me to go back to the web. Zeldman's book Designing With Web Standards is also a great read.

18 Aug 2004 | Dave Woodward said...

Heh, yeah I went ahead and ordered both books from Amazon. Both good books to have and read. Even if one has followed the SimpleQuiz series of posts on Dan's blog, it is nice to have a reference with a clear cut analysis of each one. Also a good book to point people to when they want to use web standards but don't quite have the tricks down yet, or need a compilation of then to start off.

30 Jan 2005 | compatelius said...

bocigalingus must be something funny.

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