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When truncation goes wrong

04 Mar 2005 by Jason Fried

common sense ho

15 comments so far (Post a Comment)

04 Mar 2005 | Keith said...

Heh. Now that's funny.

04 Mar 2005 | Erin said...

I sure hope that wasn't a show on Lifetime or We.

04 Mar 2005 | Andrew said...

There's a grocery store in my area named Genaurdi's. They sell their own brand of italian sausage. The barcode label was poorly truncated to read "gen ital" sausage...

04 Mar 2005 | Ryan Christensen said...

I recall seeing something like this on our local cable a few weeks ago.

Interestingly enough, I believe our cable company uses the same "guide" software (whatever it might be called) for browsing what's on. Perhaps if they didn't feel the need to fill the entire right 1/3 of the screen with ads, they wouldn't have this problem?

04 Mar 2005 | Jim Logan said...

Well....on the positive sells...and you have to admit, it catches your eye and you want to 'click' on it.

05 Mar 2005 | Ryan Nichols said...

Yeah, but the shows about Common Sense Ho's, so it's probably not very hot.

05 Mar 2005 | Geoff said...

Definitely the software that Adelphia uses in LA. It's an absolute nightmare. Redraws are pathetic. When I moved to my new place and had to give up the the dish (Both DirectTV and Dish Network have much better interface offerings), I didn't re-up my cable. It's not worth the agony.

05 Mar 2005 | Adam Codega said...

Italian sausage.. very funny. I find redrawing is related to the cable in the area. My friends a few towns over have instant redraws on their info guide and we both use the same Cable provider and cable box.

05 Mar 2005 | seth said...

I recently went over to a friend's house who has used to use the same horrible software with the poor redraw problems but it looks like they've switched it to something else. Much much faster.

Who the hell let that design get by with all the shades and different that's horrible.

05 Mar 2005 | Dan B said...

A lot of cable companies use that software and yeah, the redraws suck. It's really hard to flip through channels when you have to wait for the redraw. Makes me glad I have pirated cable and don't have to deal with that. =O

05 Mar 2005 | Don Schenck said...

(Hey Andrew ... back in the mid-80's I did some IT work for Genuardi's! Worked with Joe!)

I worked on some software back in the late 90's, and I had to add code to make sure that our randomly-generated three-character codes didn't result in obscene or offensive words.

It was fun to think up three-letter "bad" words.

06 Mar 2005 | Jonathan Fenocchi said...

ROTFL. That's so wrong, guys (@ Jason & Andrew's Italian genital sausage). Just made my night, haha.

06 Mar 2005 | Brian Andersen said...

I'd tap that.

06 Mar 2005 | alex said...

hmm... ok. funny for five seconds... now what did it actually stand for? Common Sense Hour?

07 Mar 2005 | Darrel said...

Aren't we all making an assumption that it is actually truncated? Common Sense Ho sounds like the latest reality show to me.

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