In the future I will draw better than a 3 year old SamB 30 Nov 2005

33 comments Latest by jonesy

if you missed the introduction, i am doing drawings based on titles beginning with the phrase “in the future”. if you have titles leave them in the comments

you can view more of my drawings at the explodingdog website

33 comments so far (Jump to latest)

JF 30 Nov 05

That one cracked me up!

MM 30 Nov 05

In the future, your will

Anonymous Coward 30 Nov 05

You have an awesome sense of humor, thanks for choosing my title.

Spike 30 Nov 05

in the future we will run out of acronyms and the geeks will perish.

Anonymous Coward 30 Nov 05

In the future, people will no longer draw

Stu 30 Nov 05

In the future I will have something to do

Anonymous Coward 30 Nov 05

In the future kids will be taller than adults

detroit 30 Nov 05

In the future I grow interesting facial hair

Cdizzle 30 Nov 05

In the future, it will be now.

Lisa 30 Nov 05

How funny!

In the future I will eat my words.

JF 30 Nov 05

In the future you’ll eat chicken on the cob

Steve Akers 30 Nov 05

In the future robots will turn people into batteries

Solyent Green:
In the future old people will be turned into food

Steve Akers 30 Nov 05

In the future all blog comments will be nice

Steve Akers 30 Nov 05

In the future we will all die

David 30 Nov 05

In the future, humanity will find a new home

Stridey 30 Nov 05

In the future, robots will spoon-feed us our meals.

Ry 30 Nov 05

In the future, the present will explode.

Jamie 30 Nov 05

In the future I will remember to buy something from your website.

I’ve been reading explodingdog for years, on and off, and it’s great stuff. Keep it up.

sb 30 Nov 05

in the future you will be like me.

David 30 Nov 05

In the future, today will be yesterday.

Don Wilson 30 Nov 05

In the future, the availability of the xbox 360 will still be non-existant. :\

Dhrumil 30 Nov 05

Hah, in the future we will all eat raw food diets.

asno 30 Nov 05

thats funny! Finally we get some decent quality noise on this blog !

asno 30 Nov 05

In the future I will read the whole post before I comment.

Carolyn 30 Nov 05

In the future, I’ll be able to surf the net with only my brain.

Don Wilson 30 Nov 05

I’m sure he copyrighted the quote “In the future,” right?

sam brown 30 Nov 05

In the future I will not nick old ideas by David Byrne and hope nobody notices

yah but if you think he was the first you are not paying enough attention

just wait until i get to my “world music” stage you won’t believe the shit i rip off


JF 30 Nov 05

In the future world music will have less percussion

BL 30 Nov 05

In the future, I will die.

Paul Robinson 01 Dec 05

In the future we will all be terrorists

john 01 Dec 05

In the future I will know what I want.

In the future I will be a star.

In the future I will stop being a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none.

Sam you are an amazing artist. The more I see the more genius is revealed. I am totally in love with your work.

jonesy 01 Dec 05

In the future, our arms and legs will shrivel up and drop off.