Productivity tip: Take more LSD?! Matt 20 Jan 2006

78 comments Latest by Reflection

During health class in high school they taught us that taking LSD would make you jump out windows (y’know, cuz you think you can fly) and give you flashbacks. Here’s the other side of the story (from Wired’s recap of “LSD: Problem Child and Wonder Drug, an International Symposium on the Occasion of the 100th Birthday of Albert Hofmann”): Steve Jobs told a NY Times reporter that taking LSD was “one of the two or three most important things he has done in his life.” Nobel-prize-winning chemist Kary Mullis told Hoffman that LSD helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences. Kevin Herbert, an early Cisco employee, fought to ban drug testing of technologists at the company because, as he put it, “When I’m on LSD and hearing something that’s pure rhythm, it takes me to another world and into another brain state where I’ve stopped thinking and started knowing.” Hofmann, who’s still alive, says, “There is global healing in these compounds which have been used for millennia by indigenous people that have much to teach modern man and modern woman.”

78 comments so far (Jump to latest)

Noah Winecoff 20 Jan 06

I’ll get my boss to read this and everyone will be happy and…jumping out of windows.

street 20 Jan 06

Is that “Freedom Rock”?

Matt 20 Jan 06

Are you talking about that old drug movie with Helen Hunt? I had to watch that in health class too! Guy jumps out a second story window, lands on the grass, picks up a piece of broken glass and starts shaving his arms with it screaming “GET THE SPIDERS OFF OF ME!!!!”

I was only 13, but I knew it was one of the funniest movies I would ever see.

kev 20 Jan 06

Now I get where the Dalmation and Flower Power iMacs came from.

Rich 20 Jan 06

I wouldn’t make a habit of it, but taking it a couple of times will definitely change your perspective on life for the better. It did for me atleast.

beto 20 Jan 06

It’s taken almost 40 years to finally admit those filthy hippies were right about something besides the Vietnam War. Better late than never :D

Nick 20 Jan 06

well turn it up…

Don Schenck 20 Jan 06

Sheesh … I thought being an adrenaline junkie was enough. Now I gotta raid the neighbor 13-year old’s backpack for more inspiration.

felipe 20 Jan 06

it did wonders for me, definetely opened doors of perception

Tim 20 Jan 06

Its hard to convey a mental state like that to readers but what I get from that is very similar to the way I feel and I don’t use LSD.. I do however smoke weed.. and when I do.. I don’t fall smushed into the couch like the commercials on TV.. I don’t run over innocent bike riders like on TV.. I actually have a mental compacity to factor thousands of different circumstances in a matter of minutes and relate them to my application. This allows me devise solutions to problems I face and lately, when I apply the tacktics of 37Signals.. I feel I would rather prevent problems from occuring in the first place.. The solutions affect the core of the application in most cases and by using this method from the beginning allow me to create killer products..

I must say that it takes hard work to overcome the procrastination and relaxation that comes from smoking weed..

But if you do.. and let your creative juices flow (within bounds) you can actually be more productive..

At least for me..

George 20 Jan 06

Get the tackticks off of me! *scrape*scrape*

Never thought that SVN would be kindasorta advocating psychedelic drug use. Awesomeness.

I believe that it aids in perception due to moments of cyclical clarity and vision optimization, ie, get thinking about something, and then the psychedelic brain chews on it and “figures it out (, man)” by discovering conceptual connections and similarities with other life experiences. Distillation. 37signals. Scotch whisky. It’s all related. Think about it. Man.

Darrel 20 Jan 06

Tim is so misinformed. As everyone knows from TV commercials, smoking pot will make you pregnant and cause you to shoot yourself.

Rick 20 Jan 06

Using this technique, you can eat an orange with a spoon on a spaceship. Really, you can!

ben 20 Jan 06

Tim, I agree about pot and working.. it can work nicely as a way to lose inhibitions. I work really well after smoking too. But psychadelics have an entirely different effect. They alter your perception dramatically, in amazing, spiritual ways.

I cannot even fathom trying to write code or work on an application under the influence of a psychadelic drug. To me, it would be utterly impossible. I can imagine relaxing and thinking about/talking about programming and finding new and amazing solutions to problems, definitely. But keeping it “together” enough to put code on the screen and site in one place for more than a few minutes staring at a screen.. forget it.

indi 20 Jan 06

Using this technique, you can eat an orange with a spoon on a spaceship. Really, you can!

… while thinking you’re a potted plant ;-)

Megan Holbrook 20 Jan 06

err…that’s a whole new perspective on Job’s description of the Mac/graphical user interface as “insanely great”… what a “visionary” that guy is! ;)

A different Nick 20 Jan 06

Amen. It isn’t the drug that is so great, but like many things, the experience and the way it changes you. It forces you to see that so much of your mental functioning is malleable, and afterward you can think about the implications. It isn’t something you can do real work while on, but it definitely effects the work that you do in the years afterward.

Also, I wouldn’t say “take more”, but I would say “take it at least once, but no more than (say) five times”.

Jason E. 20 Jan 06

This all smacks of people trying to rationalize and justify habits that are, all and all, destructive.

ben 20 Jan 06

ah, lighten up Jason E.

Ed Knittel 20 Jan 06

Ben wrote: I cannot even fathom trying to write code or work on an application under the influence of a psychadelic drug.

It would be physically impossible. If the LSD was doing what it’s supposed to be doing, you wouldn’t be able to read anything. Letters jumble, scramble, twist and turn.

However, listening to good mood music and sitting around with a bunch of friends will create some of the most interesting and insightful conversation you ever had. You will come up with great ideas. The problem, of course, is following through on those ideas after you come down.

While Matt’s headline (“Productivity tip: Take more LSD?!”) may seem “shocking” if you read the article in Wired and the stories of Albert Hofmann, et al. the message is a simple one: if you are open minded (and if you can’t, LSD and other psychotropic drugs will make you open minded) you will see things in different perspectives and you’re more likely to listen to the advice and points of others. You’ll collaborate on some idea going from Point A to Point G and then to Point B, C, and Z around and around, up and down - you’ll literally look at it every way - but in the end you MUST follow though. More LSD will not get the idea done.

These men took LSD and it opened their mind to more possibilites - this made them no different than a dirty hippie. Working hard and long on solving problems is what made them great men. It’s best that we do not confuse the two.

Mike 20 Jan 06

What would DHH say about LSD ? I’d like to listen o his opinion, he’s my hero.

George 20 Jan 06

He’d probably say something like “This isn’t brain surgery” or “This isn’t rocket science”.

ben 20 Jan 06

yeah, I havent taken any psychadelics since college (5 years ago) and I wasn’t programming all that much back then. But i really can’t imagine wanting to discuss code while tripping. Would be pretty boring, no? Would rather throw a ball on a big lawn or something…

An SvN Regular 20 Jan 06

I’d put my name, but I don’t want Google recording for all posterity my past and present drug habits. =)

I must have been dropping the wrong acid, because in my experiences with LSD, I couldn’t have been less productive because nothing made any sense. I could barely follow along in a conversation or read the time from a digital clock, let alone get work done.

And as far as pot making you lazy, it depends on the pot, to be honest. More often than not, when I smoke, I get lazy. But sometimes, it makes me work really efficiently.

Anonymous Coward 20 Jan 06

I’m the only one in my group of friends that actually becomes productive when I smoke bud. They’d all prefer to sit on the couch and munch. Personally I prefer getting out and being active, playing sports, or even working.

I believe my creative side really comes out when I’m high. I work harder and better. Some of my best ideas have come when I’m baked. Believe or not I’m even much more outgoing when I’m high and can carry on better conversations.

Baked 20 Jan 06

I took way to much LSD when I was a kid (16-19 years old) My friend dealt to dealers, which always left sheets of the stuff lying around. Disneyland was amazing!

Now 11 years later I forget stuff 2 seconds after someone says it. I stare of into space in the middle of conversations, work, or while driving.

I guess my point is, everything in moderation. Yes, the drug did amazing things for the perception, but it also screwed up the thinking process too.

Rich 20 Jan 06

I am AMAZED at how many positive comments are appearing on this post. I was really expecting most of the “professionals” who read this blog to chime in with variants of “Drugs are bad. Ummkay.” Not so! It’s good to see that so many people have an open mind.

Don Wilson 20 Jan 06

“Take more LCD”?

Seth Thomas Rasmussen 20 Jan 06

I’ve not yet had the experience LSD provides, but I will echo the late, great Mr. Bill Hicks in recommending a “healthy” or perhaps, if you dare, “heroic” dose of psilocybin every once in a while.

Rabbit 20 Jan 06

@ An SvN Regular:

Ditto. But I’ve also had some super awesome experiences that I would never take back. I think the great majority of your trip depends on who you are as a person.

In other words, if you’re uneasy with your life in general, or fight it too much, you can have some really shitty experiences. :(

@ Seth Thomas Rasmussen (couldn’t shorten that?!):

I second that. Never done LSD but I am no stranger to the fungus among us.

@ Baked:

I dunno if that’s the drug. I’ve *always* been spacey, and I’ve always had quick, powerful (often destructive) mood swings. I was even taken in see psychiatrists long before I knew anything about drugs.

On the flip side, I know a few people who *have* screwed themselves up to the point where they no longer function as they should.

Damien Davison 20 Jan 06

Sunrise must come with free LSD! (Joking, was suprised nobody thought this was somehow connected to Sunrise… I bet all your posts won’t be so lucky.)

Mike 21 Jan 06

I’m so confused after reading this article and all the comments. I always thought drugs are bad. But the true is my productivity has been falling down last years and my mind is changing as the time passes. I know I have to do sth. Still far from drugs though, afraid of it. Help please.

Ian 21 Jan 06

I don’t support taking these drugs and would not recommend them to anyone. Especially LSD.

While perhaps it may increase your awareness of certain things, for a short time, it unarguably alters the mind and your perceptions of reality. I believe that in so doing, it jumbles the mind.

This is not coming from a person who isn’t “open minded”. I have done plenty of drugs, unfortunately.

There are consequences to doing any mind-altering drug. Just take a look at people who have done LSD for a prolonged period of time, or too much in one dose.

Drugs are also toxins to your body, and as a result are incapsulated (primarily in fat cells) when they enter your system, to protect your body from them. They can and do become free and enter the blood stream at a later date in the future.

I don’t like articles like these, because they take no responsibility for the complete effect of drugs. They are naive at best and purposefully destructive at worse.

Remember just because you are a critic of taking drugs, doesn’t mean that you are “closed minded”. Actually, I feel that some so called “open minded” fools often don’t evaluate the product of things like drugs, and confront their total effect (because it’s just not fun to confront it all). That’s a little fake—a little floozy.

It’s is a straight dose of the pop a pill attitude, rather than confronting things and actually solving the problem. Too fat? Pop a pill. Too thin? Pop a pill. Can’t sleep? Pop a pill. In pain? Pop a pill. Can’t feel anything? Pop a pill. Too tired? Pop a pill. Depressed? Prozac. Manic? Tranquilizers. Anxiety? There’s another pill.

Want to understand the universe (and now become more productive too). LSD.


Pick anything, and there’s a pill or drug for it. And someone will be more than willing to sell it to you (there’s easy money here).

If you really want to improve your productivity, then exercise, take vitamins, eat a healthy diet, and sleep well. If you read something and don’t understand it, then look up the words (really, it helps).

If you want to experience new levels of awareness, have new realizations about life, this universe, and how they relate then I recommend religious (spiritual) means.

Rich 21 Jan 06

Ian: Major buzz kill man.

ac 21 Jan 06

One of the more interesting discussions here in a long time. A couple of things strike me.

* It’s hard to talk about this topic (for or against) without sounding like a complete stereotype.

* As with any substance, legal or not, a mind-alterer will not make you write better code, dream up better ideas or help to bring about world peace.

Anything that alters your perception is simply doing that…changing your view/vantage point. If you are of the right mind set, that alternate view can provide insight into solving a problem because your normal state of mind is closed off to alternatives.

More often than not, the issues with this sort of thing lie in the ability to translate your chemically-induced ideas into something that other people, not under the influence, can understand and relate to…as well as something that you, yourself can understand upon sobering up.

*Too often, this mode of working becomes a crutch and after a while, you hear things like, “oh I just can’t work without a bong hit (or drink or hits of acid…take your pick) and that leads down the path of laziness and empty ideas.

A/C 21 Jan 06

It’s one thing to explore the potential positives of hallucinogenics. It’s another thing entirely to mock and ridicule the dangers. The mockery and ridicule do nothing to elucidate the positives, nor does the “I’m too clever and brilliant, only a fool would fall for the silly notion that hallucinogenics are dangerous or could make someone want to fly”.

Well, self-congratulatorily clever ones, I guess you can look down on me as a fool then. I lost one of my best friends at age 20 to bad shroom trip. Took a dive off a 14th story dormatory balcony. I had the misfortune of being in the lobby of the building late that night when it happened. I got to run out and work with another guy trying to perform CPR and mouth to mouth, then take the ambulance ride to the hospital, make the police I.D., etc.

This friend was an “experienced” user. He also was a brilliant mind in a top-flight academic institution. I have no idea where he’d be today if he was still alive, but I know his death lives on with all of his friends, especially those of us who lived through the trauma of the experience first-hand, who had to walk by the empty dorm room.

Life is a balancing act of trade-offs. Nothing great in life comes without risk. And I’m not trying to suggest nobody should ever take a hallucinogenic. I’m merely saying anyone who chooses to mock rather than reasonably take into account the risks is both a fool and an ass.

Wacky Hermit 21 Jan 06

I’ve been on mind-altering prescription drugs (under a doctor’s supervision) and I did not like what they did to my mind. The one benefit they did have was that I got some insight into how my mind works and how to tweak it to work better, but the downside was that some of the mental abilities I had were taken away. I used to work in a store where I knew the aisle and location of every item in the store and the exact price of about 90% of the items (the other 10% I knew the price to within 10 cents). I could never perform such a mental feat now. I still have trouble accessing a lot of the information I learned while on these medications, though I can remember stuff I learned while not on them.

I have never taken illegal drugs, but I imagine the consequences would be even more perilous. You’d be walking the razor’s edge between inspiration and brain damage. It’s not an activity I would recommend to anyone who cared about their brain enough not to take chances with it. If you are simply not creative enough to do Activity X, trying to induce yourself to do it with drugs would be as reprehensible and dangerous as an athlete taking steroids to beat his opponent. You’d be better off in the long run being comfortable with who you are and facing your limitations like a man (or woman).

Phil Dokas 21 Jan 06

I’m a CS student and yesterday I was doing some reading for my databases class and with this post in mind, the introductory quote caught me a little stronger:

“The great successful men of the world have used their imaginations. They think ahead and create their mental picture, and then go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this bit and that bit, but steadily building, steadily building.” - Robert Collier

He certainly didn’t have psychedelics in mind, but it’s applicable all the same. Whether you’re OK with experimenting with substances or not, it’s not so much that one tries Y or smokes Z, it’s what one does with the changes it produces. It’s not the drug that’s good/bad, it’s what one does with it.

John DeLorean 21 Jan 06

LSD is great if you are having trouble coming up with the math to invent the flux capcitor. For getting the actual work done, everyone knows cocaine is what keeps you going.

Mr. Smith 21 Jan 06

Interesting that if very important respected people say that using a drug is ok, it almost kind of is.

Well I’m not very important but here is something for the mind to chew on.

If LSD were an application what would its interface look like? Extremely simple like one gigantic button or overly complicated with many pixel size buttons, drop downs, highlights, the works?

Hmmm.. tricky post 22 Jan 06

And anyone who’s inspired to try LSD from reading this post make sure you read up on it before you decide try it. LSD is not a drug to be taken lightly.

If you’ve never taken hallucinogens before you’ll need some basic education so you have some idea of what to expect.

A good read if you’re considering trying it:

Be careful and happy tripping!

Ken 22 Jan 06

Wow, I cant imagine the number of sheep who will take the advice of these lunatics, and try LSD. What next, you’re all going to jump off of a mountain?

I can’t believe someone is actually recommending something that almost always end up destroying your life.

Jeff 22 Jan 06

Crap, pure crap. Ken I totally agree with you.

casey 22 Jan 06

“Almost always end up destroying your life”

Could you maybe cite some sort of statistic for that? That sounds like something you’re just making up off the top of your head. I’ve known dozens of people who have taken LSD or other psychedelics and I don’t know a single person whose life was ruined by it. Nor have I seen any statistics to back up such a claim. Certainly it happens, but I think it’s pretty absurd to say that it “almost always end (sic.) up destroying your life”.

Psychedelic drugs are not something that should be taken casually. I don’t hear many people saying differently. Home brain surgery (which taking a hallucinogen is, sort of) should not be done by rank amateurs without any sort of guidance. That should be obvious.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be allowed to do it! In an ideal world, LSD would be available by prescription and you’d have to meet with a psychiatrist and undergo some counselling before taking it. Of course it’s dangerous — it’s powerful stuff.

Mike 22 Jan 06

I will always regret not doing LSD. I personally believe it alters your neruonal pathways in random ways. Sometimes its good, sometimes its bad. I never did it because I didn’t think I could handle the trip. I think its better to do it when you’re young. Same with E. brain mix changes when you grow older, and therefore the trip quality changes.

ben 22 Jan 06

I’m not too sure about correlation between actual ‘productivity’ and LSD use- While I’m glad many important peolple have come out and stated the positive experience they’ve had with LSD, I very much doubt they spent any time implementing these great ideas mid-acid trip.

Last time I was tripping on LSD I was dancing around an island barefoot listening to 50s surfer music and grilling hot dogs most of the time. While I definitely had some good ideas (not to mention some pretty ridiculous ones)- I wasn’t about to break out my powerbook and design the logo to brand a new environmental services company.

I also think it’s important to reiterate that LSD is definitely not for everyone. I’ve seen the drug completely take control first hand- this particular kid had absolutely no idea what was going on around him- and it was pretty scary. If you have any known phychological problems (we later found out this guy was on a large array of perscription drugs for bi-polar disorder) I certainly suggest thinking twice before taking acid, or consider splitting that tab with your friend at first- he took two.

As for those who took the time here to flat out disagree, my guess is they haven’t done much LSD in their lifetime. It’s unjust to critizise that which you cannot understand and even among those experienced with LSD, a real understaning of the drug remains elusive.

Anonymous 22 Jan 06

As far as LSD is concerned, I’m just surprised the acronym hasn’t been used for something else, like a school district. I mean, that would really suck.

Bela 23 Jan 06

The best book I’ve came across on this topic is Carlos Castaneda’s , The Teachings of Don Juan - A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. Hallucinogenics are not meant for the playground, ancient cultures have learned to respect them.

The old indian, Don Juan hands the pipe to Castaneda many times, lets him hold it for a minute, and takes it back without letting him smoke it. He always repeats it to him that if he drops the pipe, one of them will die. (Can you tell without LSD what death means here :) ?) Castaneda also has to “study” and change his thinking in the course of a year or two, while slowly and carefully being exposed to a few experiences of drugs.

I’m always puzzled when someone wants to learn karate to beat up the neighbor, transcendent meditation to become more famous, use drugs for gaining an “insight” without stretching the limits of understanding any other way…

About productivity: I recommend the work of Emile Cioran.

Steve Jobs should not forget how many people are listening to him.

me 23 Jan 06

kudos to Bela

colm 24 Jan 06

What LSD did for me (and I took rather a lot…) is helped me learn to concentrate on a single thing for long periods of time. It’s almost like meditation. Just let the mind flow and revolve around a single thing.

Fair enough, it was a rock that I thought looked like a cat was what kept my attention when I was tripping, but the ability to hold focus has remained.

All in all a good thing for me.

and btw - the old british pre-metric monetary system was called LSD (pounds, shillings, pence) - so the drug has borrowed the initials

old timer 24 Jan 06

It’s just not the same any more. Chemically, I mean. You can’t get the stuff that Abbie Hoffman had. Bummer.

airbag 25 Jan 06

I can�t believe someone is actually recommending something that almost always end up destroying your life
Ken, How in the world would you know? I dont see how you can form an opinion of something you have never done. I do belive though that LSD if taken should be done in moderation and with the company of good friends. A drug is what you make of it, and takeing LSD is a very good experince for some people, Like my self. I’ve smoke and taken LSD and Im glad to say that those are the only drug I will ever do.

Ben kirpich 27 Jan 06

is 15 too young to be taking LSD?

Ben kirpich 27 Jan 06

is 15 too young to be taking LSD?

Ben kirpich 27 Jan 06

is 15 too young to be taking LSD?

Ben kirpich 27 Jan 06

my bad

Sebhelyesfarku 31 Jan 06

Another proof that S. Jobs is a moron.

plastik909 31 Jan 06

Need to get in touch with someone working with lsd research..or a least a point in direction of someone i can get in touch with in relation to this….would consider myself someoe who has experimeted to a high degree with acid. six years of regular use..but dont get me wrong..not a man who can’t think or act in the manner of a man who had never taken acid… lots to ask. lots to say..not in the nieve sense….need an outlet..or more to the point a discussion(s) which can help furher thoughs in my mind…just to point out an aticle written recently talking about the use of ayahuasca.. in terms of the comparisons made to medition and psysoanaysis.very interestin… have finished with my days of talkin the drugs, particuarly lsd in the context of taking to them to get fucked for the weekend…have always belived that lsd was more than its status quo.. more than just a drug,,..the potential is beyond comprehention.. and what has been said in this post in no way close to beginning my point or any of the ones that deserve time……..time………time…… e-mail me if any intrerest has been aroused..

Plastik909 31 Jan 06

If there are any relevant etc which could be e mailed to me.. [email protected]. thanking ye all.. nice one bags!!!!!!!!!!

Plastik909 31 Jan 06

If there are any relevant etc which could be e mailed to me in relaton to the above post.. [email protected]. thanking ye all.. nice one bags!!!!!!!!!!

Plastik909 01 Feb 06

Sorry wrong email..Its [email protected]

Tom 01 Feb 06

I can’t believe you’d publish something like this.

bzx 03 Feb 06

I can’t believe the people who comment this article can write things like: “I can’t believe you’d publish something like this, blah blah blah”.

Go boo WIRED if you’re so smart, they started it with the original article, link in the text.

And besides, it’s an interesting subject. If you don’t like it, don’t read it, don’t comment on it, don’t waste your time.


Plastik909 03 Feb 06

wasn’t lookin for negative comments…….# only wanted a positive response if there was one to be had..nice one

Tom 04 Feb 06

bzx: Obviously I don’t feel that commenting here is a waste of time. If only the people who agree with Matt post, he is not going to know the full spectrum of responses to what he writes. The Wired article was balanced, and this was not—I feel that it was even harmful and childish.

Acid_Ben 12 Feb 06

I’ve taken a great quantity of LSD… I’m not saying there are no dangers.. you can lose self-control entirely. It’s not like “wow, im going to run off and kill someone”, but rather more like “wow… so.. where in this psychadelic blender is my body? I can’t seeeeee it…” But i mean, responsible use, with an experienced ‘Trip-Sitter’, that is, a sober person to watch over you, in a private setting, can be one of the most rewarding experiences of all time. It just totally changes your perceptions of everyday waking reality. It forces you to question the world around you, and come to terms with things such as your own mortality. I was depressed with life, seeing no purpose to anything. Why work, only to save money to ensure you’ll be comfortable at the time of your death? What’s the point to anything? LSD showed me that life and death really aren’t that different. I was taught how to make the best of life, and am fully prepared to embrace death the day it comes to find me.

The fact that I accept death, so young in life, does that make me brain damaged? A dangerous criminal? Deranged for life? Or do I simply have an understanding? LSD isnt like mainlining heroin here people. It’s one of the safest drugs of all time, and to instinctively say “i can’t believe this is being posted” is to admit you refuse to open your eyes even a little bit. You closed minded people are very much likely the same people who hate the neighbour because he’s black… Unless you were born in the last twenty years and the authorities told you everybody is equal.

Challenge everything, question authority. Make up your own mind.

Creg 13 Feb 06

Im a father to 2 and my son and his freind have been smoking marijuana, my wife uses it aswell so i had no problem both boys have out standing grades and both are great kids. Now i remember back in my teen years experimenting and using drugs it is what teens do and i can tell you i myself had some great times with lsd and mushrooms. My son and his freind are 15 and they both want to try it, i am thinking about letting them buy mushrooms or buying them myself from a good freind and having them use it in my house in a controlled enviroment. They are going to do it without me and atleast this way i keep an opening and will know they both are safe. Douse this seem like a bad part on my parenting? Do you beleive age 15 is an okay age to experience an hullucinogen drug?

eve 28 Apr 06

Ive never tried drugs till 2wks ago and I tried LSD and personally it was the most horrible experience of my life! I thought i was going to die and i was in a total state of panic for 5hrs! See the thing is no one really tells you about the other side of drugs and i definitely experienced the bad side of them and before i would recommend them to anyone or let anyone try stuff especially LSD i would warn them that not every one has good experiences on them and you can have really scary experiences on them. Not to mention a possible drug induced psychosis if mental illness runs in your family!

A 13-year-old 11 May 06

My God, I can’t beleive this. A grown man who can’t even spell! There’s the effects of LSD right there.

I’m researching this for a school report, and I’m at school right now. You know, the teachers always talk to us about not doing drugs. Ya know what, I bet they did them when they were in high school.

That’s pretty sad.

If you read over this whole topic, this whole thing is pretty sad.

What does LSD do? As far as I can see, it distorts your mind to the point where you can’t determine what is real and what is not. I don’t beleive it promotes a religious experiance, unless you’re a satan worshipper or something.

Look at this:

CarlinColorado 03 Jun 06

I take LSD every weekend and when i goto work on monday i got fresh ideas. But it also has a downside. Physically its prety exhausting. But what the heck even Bill Gates has been on acid at work…!!!

jordan tibes 06 Jun 06

i have done lsd about 4 times and each time was totally amazing.wen i had come down i felt i had learnt things about me and the world around me.i dont do it no more but i grow musshies and eat and drink them quite regularly.not as powerful but just as fun. i also work 5 days a week and hav been able to hold that job down for 5 years now and still go partying and stuff on the weekend.its all down to you and your attitude towards life.dont try it unlees you think it is good for YOU.
peace out people. \/

jordan tibes 06 Jun 06

i have done lsd about 4 times and each time was totally amazing.wen i had come down i felt i had learnt things about me and the world around me.i dont do it no more but i grow musshies and eat and drink them quite regularly.not as powerful but just as fun. i also work 5 days a week and hav been able to hold that job down for 5 years now and still go partying and stuff on the weekend.its all down to you and your attitude towards life.dont try it unlees you think it is good for YOU.
peace out people. \/

Alice D 07 Aug 06

Gonna be a sophomore in college, since the fall of my junior year in high school i’ve done mushrooms over 40 times and acid a couple of times. Wow, sounds like a lot, huh? I can honestly say that I’ve experienced no harmful effects to my body and/or brain. I mean I know that they can’t be good for you, but what is good anyway? Being an alchoholic is probably ten times worse. Before that I did pretty bad in school and I’m now a B/mostly C student, not saying that these drugs made me smarter or that they’re good for me, just that they don’t ruin everybody’s lives. And no, hallucinogens are not for everyone, but for some, such as myself, they can be the most profound, positive, life-changing, (religious) experience one could possibly have induced by a drug. And for Ken and Jeff, if you don’t want to take LSD or mushrooms or any other psychedelic drug that’s fine, but when you call LSD users lunatics it really shows how narrow-minded you conservative republicans really are.

Alice D 07 Aug 06

Gonna be a sophomore in college, since the fall of my junior year in high school i’ve done mushrooms over 40 times and acid a couple of times. Wow, sounds like a lot, huh? I can honestly say that I’ve experienced no harmful effects to my body and/or brain. I mean I know that they can’t be good for you, but what is good anyway? Being an alchoholic is probably ten times worse. Before that I did pretty bad in school and I’m now a B/mostly C student, not saying that these drugs made me smarter or that they’re good for me, just that they don’t ruin everybody’s lives. And no, hallucinogens are not for everyone, but for some, such as myself, they can be the most profound, positive, life-changing, (religious) experience one could possibly have induced by a drug. And for Ken and Jeff, if you don’t want to take LSD or mushrooms or any other psychedelic drug that’s fine, but when you call LSD users lunatics it really shows how narrow-minded you conservative republicans really are. And to Creg: I’d say give your son another year, but other than that, your probably the coolest dad in the world.

chris hall 17 Aug 06

lsd has shatterd my life forever. i still have bad suicidal thoughs flashbacks more terrifing then death. i took lsd at age 18 and now i am 44 i still bite my tongue, bad dreams hear sounds comming from all diricsions colors so bright it wakes me up at night shakes sweat fear panicattaic sounds small compared to what i have suffierd and still do to this day. my life was robbed from me and i have no one to blame but me. i feel all alone in this world of mine i am my doctor lawer wife mother sister friend and enamy. death is more a saveior then living in fear of yourself day after day.but even i wont let god down.
i have been living to long with this plage i put on my self to let it dafet me. even i cant ask god himself to help me. but i do ask him to stay with me at all times. lsd is very powerful and dangeros so you have to ask yourself very carefuly is it realy worth it.

curious boy 30 Aug 06

ooook…first things first..a BIG thank you to ‘Hmmm.. tricky post’ for the insight..that realy a 18 year old boy..i grew up in drugs..i smoke weed on a regular basis..and neary twice a week ive been trying 2 find out something new about lsd…i understand it could be bad if i am in the wrong state of mind…well im not ok…something is wrong with me..bad temper/cant sleep/bad situations in my life/i think im going crazy yada yada yada…my friends say it woz bad..verry bad…but im jus sooo up 4 it…i dont kno what to do please someone help me…thank you..

TheSeventhSign 06 Sep 06


Obviously I see alot of propaganda here. I mean I see people coming and writing stories that I know arent true about how LSD ruined their lives. I have taken LSD between 15 and 25 times in the 28 years my life has spanned. I love all of my experiences and I had a REALLY good time on all of them. I used to drop acid by myself, something I havent heard of many people doing. I would put on headphones and cover my eyes with a blinder and lay there and think for 6 hours. Now how did that hurt me? But there was only one time I think that I did the really good pure Abbie Hoffman, Sandoz kinda stuff. At the oregon country fair I did some brown microdot. Little lovely perfect barrels. You know what im talking about? They said they were 100 micrograms each. I took 2 and then licked the bag the came in, which looked like it had been full of these little barrels. It was covered with thick brown dust. I stuck it in my mouth and sucked it and I saw god later that night. It was amazing and it changed my life. The only thing that sucks now is that here in Seattle there is no more acid. And no matter how I look or where I look i cant find it. Any Help Someone?? email me. I just want my dreams back.

Reflection 09 Oct 06

“See the thing is no one really tells you about the other side of drugs and i definitely experienced the bad side of them ” I’m sorry to hear about your bad trip but…
If you’re going to try something like LSD, you need to do your research. You shouldn’t just rely on someone to tell you if it’s dangerous or not.
This drug isn’t for the unprepared. Nor is it for idiots. Don’t take it for the wrong reasons. Learn all you can about it if you’re going to take it. Make sure you’re in a nice environment.. with people you’re comfortable with. If you’re scared about jumping off a building, hell, just don’t do it above ground level..

“My God, I can�t beleive this. A grown man who can�t even spell! There�s the effects of LSD right there.”
I think it’s unfair to assume that because this man has made several spelling mistakes that it’s the result of taking LSD.
Actually, it’s unfair to assume anything about LSD unless you’ve experienced it yourself. To you folk that are against the usage of LSD, fair enough that you wouldn’t want to take it yourself, that’s your choice and right as a human being. But for you to deny and even argue that what the people who do use it feel while on this drug/after using it is a lie or unrealistic seems pretty absurd to me. Oh, and saying that unless you’re a Satan worshipper you can’t have a religious experience while on acid… my God… that’s just insulting. Why would you even think of saying such a thing? I’m pretty sure that the many people who have had religious experiences while on LSD wouldn’t be too happy about being labelled Satan worshippers either.
We’re all entitled to our own opinions. However we are not entitled to saying others opinions are wrong.
For me, my experiences with LSD have definately been positive ones. I am a 17 year old female attending my last year in high school. I have done LSD 3 times, all in the last 6 months. The first experience was with a half tab, the second a whole, the third a half accompanied by 1 E. Each time was incredible, I discovered/learnt a lot about myself, my life, and the people around me. I have changed.. well, not changed, but rather improved certain areas of my life. I wouldn’t have traded these experiences for anything.
Something I found interesting while on LSD was the differences between my group of friends and other people.
I do feel disappointed for the people who have had bad trips, for whatever reason. Because really…. when it’s good…. it’s fucking good.
Keep what I’ve said in mind.
Also, listen to Tool on LSD (unless you’re not into that kind of music of course). It’s great.
I apologise if I’ve insulted anyone.
Farewell and merry tripping folks.