Stop feeding Shit Sandwiches

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One of the most popular methods of delivering feedback is, well, shit. Here’s why and what you should do instead… I recently ran into a friend who mentioned how she uses the Shit Sandwich to deliver feedback. If you’re not familiar with it, the Shit Sandwich is a technique for delivering feedback popularized by the classic… keep reading

What six weeks of work looks like

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Basecamp 3 saw a flurry of updates over the last 6 weeks. Here’s what a few small teams working together were able to ship. A few months ago I wrote up a post sharing the details of how we structure our teams and work in six week cycles at Basecamp. It turned out to be very… keep reading


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About 12 years ago a guy bought a bunch of paper notebooks while on a trip to Europe. As he reflected on his purchase, he was puzzled why these notebooks cost so much money, and thought he could make them himself back in the United States. So he tried. But notebooks? Paper? Can you come… keep reading

New in Basecamp for Android 3.4

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The last update for their app was only a month ago, but Team Android at Basecamp has kept a steady pace to release a new version of the app, chock full of slick new screens and updates to features you already love. Here’s what you’ll find in the latest version, available today: New Hey! Menu The… keep reading