New in Highrise: iOS Beta is ready, integration, and more…

It’s summer here at Highrise headquarters, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy. We’ve got exciting stuff to announce today…

iOS updates — Beta testing

We’ve been working on updates and new features to our iOS app. Today we’re announcing a public beta. If you’d like a chance to test it out, you can do so here. We expect to officially release it very soon. And don’t worry Android users. The same updates will come to you soon too.

Outlook integration

Highrise has always supported any email system with the use of a ‘dropbox address’. You can BCC your Highrise dropbox address when sending an email to file it in Highrise. And if you click on an email address in Highrise, your default email service will open with your dropbox address automatically BCC’d. You can also forward or auto-forward incoming messages using the same address, so you can get both outgoing and incoming email easily into Highrise.

But we’re always looking for how we can save steps for our users.

Today we are thrilled to announce an integration with Microsoft Outlook, which allows you to send email directly from Highrise when you connect a Microsoft Office 365 or mailbox to your Highrise account.

Read more about the new Highrise Outlook integration here.

Better Excel imports and error messages

We recently announced some changes on better import messaging. And today we have more time saving tweaks to improve that important step of getting your leads and contacts into Highrise.

You’ve always been able to import from Excel to Highrise. But one quirk is that we didn’t support the more modern .xlsx file extension. The workaround was “easy”. You had to save your file from Excel to the older .xls standard (or .csv).

But what a pain. If you missed that we didn’t support .xlsx and tried to do an import, you’d get an error, then have to go through the process to get it converted.

Just too many steps…

Read more about better imports here.

Easier avatars

A couple changes that will greatly simplify using avatars in Highrise:

Highrise has always offered some help adding avatars to new contacts when based on email address or Twitter handle. But you didn’t have much choice on what we used. That’s all been greatly improved and simplified…

Read more about avatar improvements here.

If you’re a Highrise user, I hope you enjoy those. Please let us know if you ever need anything — Highrise related or not. We’d love to help.

And if you aren’t a Highrise user, now’s the time! 🙂 If you need a no-hassle system to track leads and manage follow-ups you should try Highrise.

You should also follow my YouTube channel, where I share more about how we run our business, do product design, market ourselves, and just get through life.