Tips for getting clients? Sell cake.

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Hasterb asks on Reddit: Hey Guys, We run a monthly subscription that provides a certain service for other businesses. At the moment we have a few clients but are currently really struggling to get some more. We have only really been in business for a couple of weeks but was hoping for some more clients.… keep reading

How to build a company you wouldn’t sell

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I spoke with Laurence McCahill from Happy Startup School about my inspirations and role models, elaborating on RECONSIDER, enjoying building a company I wouldn’t sell, and other related topics. That company I wouldn’t sell? Basecamp. I’ve been working on it for the past twelve years. Here’s to another twenty!

Poor design — “doesn’t say tea”

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Reddit user earthtokeebs posted a design he had worked on for his client, Natural Warrior Tea. Some of the reaction: It’s very pretty but nothing about this package says ‘tea’ to me Exactly. Cool tea products usually have that “zen” vibe. Not “let’s go rock climbing”. Definitely. This doesn’t say “tea” at all. Reminds… keep reading

Evaluating a redesign

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When evaluating a redesign, your first instinct is to compare the new design to the old design. But don’t do that. The first step is to understand what you’re evaluating. If you just put the new design up against the old design, and compare the two, the old design will strongly influence your evaluation of… keep reading

Business game en pointe

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Illustration by Nate Otto Basecamp values the long game: Staying independent, growing deliberately and building a sustainable business over time. Yet so much of the current narrative around entrepreneurship emphasizes breakneck growth, colossal investment rounds and—as Michael Lewis might say—the new new thing. As a result, there’s an entire group of businesses being left out of… keep reading

Signal v. Noise moves to Medium

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When Jason Fried a few months ago suggested that we should start posting articles on Medium, I was skeptical. What possible gain could we have from sharing our stories on someone else’s platform rather than our 15 year-old blog? Turns out, quite a lot! First of all, the writing and formatting experience on Medium is… keep reading

I’d rather text than talk

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Illustration by Nate Otto Are we truly introverts or just socially and emotionally undeveloped? Here’s how I came to learn that truth about myself, how it’s changed the way I think about making software, and why if you make software Sherry Turkle’s “Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age” is a must-read. If… keep reading

All my RailsConf keynotes

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(Due to a scheduling conflict, I unfortunately wasn’t able to deliver my regular keynote at RailsConf 2016.) RailsConf 2007: A peak at Rails 2.0 Unfortunately, I’ve been unable to find the video for this. You’ll have to make do with the slides alone, as I couldn’t even find the audio for this. Bonus: If you’re really… keep reading

Capturing memories in the best light

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When our son Colt was born three years ago, I found the true purpose to why I had spent the past decade studying and practicing photography: Capturing the arc of a whole new life that I co-created. Family photography is often relegated to the lowest rung of Serious Photography. And I get that looking at… keep reading


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CHICAGO — December 1, 2015–Basecamp is now a $100 billion dollar company, according to a group of investors who have agreed to purchase 0.000000001% of the company in exchange for $1. Founder Jason Fried informed his employees about the new deal at a recent company-wide meeting. The financing round was led by Yardstick Capital and Institutionalized Venture… keep reading