Happy accident: I love how the file size lines up perfectly with the file type in our new file icons in Backpack. (These icons were also added to Basecamp and Highrise today. Campfire soon.)
You’re reading Signal v. Noise, a publication about the web by Basecamp since 1999. Happy !
on 12 Aug 09I understand the attention to detail and everything but do you ever wonder if you’d delight customer’s a lot more by spending more energy on more substantial items?
on 12 Aug 09Until I read what you wrote (after examining the screenshot) I thought you were going to joke about how application doc takes up more space than the coverage doc.
on 12 Aug 09nice :) i appreciate and understand that enthusiasm.
on 12 Aug 09nice. but please instead provide vcard upload into basecamp! its such a pain to make a add a new person manually although you have that person already in highrise.
on 12 Aug 09nice. where are those forms at? :)
Jared Goralnick
on 12 Aug 09Really diggin this—especially how your file types now (or sometime recently) began to identify the Office 2007 formats like docx and pptx. Great work.
on 12 Aug 09Somehow, I’m surprised to see an “Employee Change Request Form” at 37signals. :) Where’s the TPS report? :)
on 12 Aug 09Sorry to be a pain, but you’re actually 1 pixel out.
on 12 Aug 09Happy: Hey, don’t blame us, blame the insurance company. Trust me, we hate paperwork as much as is humanly possible. :)
Christophe Franco
on 12 Aug 09The real question is rather : why do the icons for the HTML files display “HTTP” rather than “HTML” ?
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