Back in 2011, we shared our phone homescreens with you. We get a kick out of how others personalize their mobile phones. A lot’s changed in 2 years: retina-ized screens, bigger phones, redesigned OSes. We thought it’d be fun to see how much—if at all—our homescreens have changed. First up, the side-by-side comparisons:

Attention: there are a lot of homescreens in this post. The screens all start to blur together (apart from the Android ones), but they’re all interesting when you take the time to examine them. This is a great article for your lunchtime/afternoon break browsing…

Michael Berger (Quality Assurance)—Michael got more cheery.
Merissa Dawson (Support)—Merissa’s got more personal.
Jamie Dihiansan (Designer)—Jamie went Android.
Jason Fried (Designer)—Jason got mathematical.
David Heinemeier Hansson (Programmer)—David likes sunsets.
Noah Lorang (Biggest Data)—Noah has a thing for vertical lines.
Javan Makhmali (Programmer)—Javan got in touch with nature.
Pratik Naik (Programmer)—Pratik went Android too.
Ryan Singer (Designer)—Ryan got clean, but still warm and earthy.
Trevor Turk (Programmer)—Trevor is consistent.
Scott Upton (Designer)—Scott needs to upgrade now.
Taylor Weibley (Operations)—Taylor has a thing for water and fast food.
Jason Zimdars (Designer)—Jason got brighter.

New employees, new homescreens:

Nathan Anderson (Operations)
Chase Clemons (Support)
Jonas Downey (Designer)
Ann Goliak (Quality Assurance)
Jeff Hardy (Programmer)
Travis Jeffery (Programmer)
Chris Joyce (Support)
Dan Kim (Product Manager)
Matthew Kent (Operations)
Natalie Keshlear (Support)
Andrea LaRowe (Operations)
Eron Nicholson (Operations)
Nick Quaranto (Programmer)
Mig Reyes (Designer)
Sam Stephenson (Programmer)
Joan Stewart (Support)
Zach Waugh (Programmer)
Tom Ward (Programmer)
John Williams (Operations)

Phew! You made it to the end. How has your homescreen changed? Did you switch from iPhone to Android? Or vice versa? Use Windows Mobile? It’ll be fun to see what happens in the next 2 years! Thanks for checking out our homescreens.