Today we have some exciting Basecamp API-related announcements.
Blinksale, a web-based invoicing tool from the creative minds at Firewheel Design, now integrates with Basecamp.
Now it’s super-easy to import client names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses directly from Basecamp in your Blinksale account for painless invoicing. Simply add your Basecamp account details to your Blinksale Settings page, and we take care of the rest.
Harvest (a web-based time tracking tool) + Basecamp = easy like Sunday morning.
If your organization currently uses Basecamp in conjunction with Harvest for time tracking, things just got a whole lot easier. Harvest admins can now avoid any form of double-entry when it comes to setting up users, clients, or projects. Simply pick the people or projects you’d like to import from Basecamp and you are ready to go. Imported users will receive an automatically-generated Harvest welcome message along with their temporary password.
Phonified has just released a beta mobile version of Basecamp. Phonified Basecamp currently supports Nokia S60 (Series 60) phones, Blackberries, and Palm Treos running PalmOS.
Phonified Basecamp is an application that allows you to access your Basecamp account from your mobile phone. You candownload a copy of your To-do list to your phone and update information without having to use a computer. You can also check milestones and configure an alarm on your phone when a milestone is upcoming. Phonified Basecamp lets you read and edit messages and comments, and even upload and download attachments all from your phone. For Premium and Max account holders, you can track time conveniently from your phone as you start and complete tasks, rather than having to remember and update information later.
Headquarters is the first Basecamp widget for the Yahoo Widget Engine. It’s read-only at this time (you can’t modify your Basecamp data). It looks like this:
And our friends at FreshBooks also recently announced that Basecamp integration is coming soon.
It’s really exciting to see rapid uptake and third-party integrations via the Basecamp API. Check out this list of the most popular Basecamp integrations and add-ons. We’ll continue to add to this list as more integrations and add-ons hit the market.
Thanks to all the developers for spending the time on these integrations!
on 16 Nov 06From strictly a brand protection standpoint, how involved do you get in these third-party tools? For instance, if something was developed that didn’t really represent the 37S brand well, would you step in and take measures to block the further release or ensure it was brought up to a higher standard—or would you just “sit back” and trust in the base reputation you’ve already established?
on 16 Nov 06It’s a huge oversight on phonified to not provide a OTA link for BlackBerry users. It’s such a trivial feature to add.
And it seems I would be limited to a single basecamp account that needs to be configured on the web. Why not have this configuration done on the phone, especially for BlackBerry they have a full keyboard at their disposal?
on 16 Nov 06Check out this great site, they authored the Telescope mac widget, and have authored a big list sites using all of 37signals APIs.
David Stern
on 16 Nov 06Any near-term plans to integrate BaseCamp into a full general ledger accounting system like QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks desktop, NetSuite, etc.?
When we’re helping service companies with their financial systems we often bump into a wall: how to integrate the project (operational) tracking with the financial.
on 16 Nov 06Tried to get Phoneified for Treo 650 (palm). Website said it was available, but when I clicked the download link, it’s says it’s not available…
any of you 37’s rock the 650, had any luck with this?
Chris Busse
on 16 Nov 06@David:
This is the first I’ve discussed it publicly, but I’ve been working on an app that easily integrates Basecamp Time to Quickbooks (all version that support Time Tracking, including Online Edition with the Time Tracking Package).
I’ve been testing it extensively and it works very well. Right now I’m in the process of getting it ready for distribution.
(and so this isn’t a complete threadjack…) congrats to all the other developers for getting your apps launched!
Kyle talbott
on 16 Nov 06From Phoneified today:
“We encountered a few problems on the Treo version, and decided to hold off on this until these are fixed. We expect this to be released in the next day or two. My apologies for the mixed messages from the Web site.”
Sounds good…
Dave Rosen
on 16 Nov 06Congratulations to everyone on rolling out API intergration into Basecamp. Even bigger congratulations to 37signals for getting the Data design spot on in the first place.
Basecamp API is a lifesaver.
Letting apps share the same customer/project details sure makes life easier.
I’m looking forward to that day when customer details are Plaxo-style? A centralised share, where the only company details you need to update are your own.
Update your details and it syncs across myraid application accounts that deal with you. Or sending an invoice, why not just drop in some reference to the centralised share and the details take care of themselves?
on 17 Nov 06I’m a little confused. Is the Blinksale (and coming Freshbooks) integration really a limited, one-way push of information or is customer information kept in sync between the two? How useful is a one-way push, really? (If I’m getting it wrong, please let me know.)
RetiringEarly.comJeff Lindsay
on 17 Nov 06Could have been made possible much easier with web hooks.
This discussion is closed.