Australia’s worst dust storm in 70 years leads to some amazing photos (above by tomhide). More dust storm photos at Flickr.
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Australia’s worst dust storm in 70 years leads to some amazing photos (above by tomhide). More dust storm photos at Flickr.
on 23 Sep 09says, “Here”
on 23 Sep 09Hey lads,
Mesmerizing pics. Beautiful.
[I’m sure I’m not the first to point this out, but whenever I load http://37signals.com/svn, I get a JS message popping up saying ‘Here’ from nba.com]
on 23 Sep 09Awesome pictures.
but here’s one for you (skiers/boarders especially).
When you put goggles on – say orange ones – after a couple of minutes you don’t see orange: your vision adapts and you see blue sky etc.
so how come you brain doesn’t adjust in a sandstorm like this?
that’s got me scratching my head??
on 23 Sep 09Yes, nice picture; but, who cares?
What happened to the meaningful SVN posts? It seems more often than not SVN posts are, well, not worth reading. How about we Rework a bit or even Get Real a bit?
on 23 Sep 09Stupeflix TV created an amazing video of the sand storm using flickr images and twitter posts (and you can create your own based on whatever tags you want)
on 23 Sep 09Guillaume: if by “amazing video” you mean ADHD-riddled slideshow with logos and irrelevant text flying everywhere, I totally agree.
on 23 Sep 09Amazing picture, but frankly not very impressive from a “I’ve been in a dust storm” view. Just visit the southwest US sometimes. I mean from that pick, looks like you can see about 50 yards…I’ve been stopped on the interstate when you could see the car in front of you until it slammed on its brakes.
Jon Parker
on 23 Sep 09The Big Picture also has a set up:
on 23 Sep 09The experience of waking up to an intensely red glow coming from the window, complete with shaking panes from the 80km/h wind gusts, was unnerving. It felt very post-apocalypcial watching the fog of dust drifting by.
What made this more amazing is that at one point the same dust storm covered Sydney to Brisbane. That’s like covering Portland to San Fransisco.
on 24 Sep 09To put some scale on it – have a look at this pic.
(And check out the scale down the bottom. 250km is just over 150 miles)
Anthony Eden
on 24 Sep 09I live in the suburbs of Sydney, and I must say this dust storm was incredible. Never before have I seen something like this.
It was actually raining dust the night before, ‘cause there was dust blowing through the storm clouds. Interesting…
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