Great homage to the corruption of Illinois politics from our friends at local design firm Thirst. Two different designs of these Blago inspired shirts are available at the thirstore.
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Illinois Dweller
on 12 Jul 10He will walk. They got nothing.
on 12 Jul 10Why not put Obama on the picture who learnt the business in puritan Cook County.
on 12 Jul 10Why put Obama there… Obama is the best thing that could possibly have happened to the US. Without serious reforms the country probably will be even more broke… it can’t live on China’s money forever. It is mind-boggling for almost every non-US person to see how much opposition there still is against his ideas. Strange.
on 12 Jul 10Roy: Huh? Our national debt is skyrocketing with him at the helm. Bush was bad, he’s worse. The US needs austerity, and I don’t see Obama delivering it.
on 12 Jul 10Matt’s right. Obama seems to be not only continuing but expanding Bush’s policies. The Treasury and Fed are still stacked with the same corrupt banksters and cronies from Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase. Roy, wake up dude.
on 12 Jul 10here we go…
on 12 Jul 10Slap in Obama’s face behind that mask and you can sell that t-shirt for years, if not decades.
on 12 Jul 10That’s what I get for having a sandwich between entering the text and posting.
However, I wouldn’t waste time on Roy. A fully colonized mind is something not easily deprogrammed.
on 12 Jul 10@Roy: “Without serious reforms the country probably will be even more broke… it can’t live on China’s money forever.”
Agreed. Unfortunately Obama is burying us in debt even faster than Bush. We need someone that will give us some serious reform that actually helps us (Americans) instead of the rest of the world. Reform to bring jobs back to the US. Reform to stop any/all handouts to illegals (no welfare, health care, schooling, housing, or jobs). Reform to stop anchor babies. Reform to make US corporations more competitive in the world (instead of less competitive, like straddling corporations with mandatory health care costs).
Instead, Obama is going to give us immigration reform (read: amnesty to 12+ million illegals after a slap on the wrist for breaking our laws). He gave businesses the burden of health care, which means our products will become even more expensive (read: less exports from US corporations and more corporations moving manufacturing overseas). He is giving us more debt (read: more reliance on China) than any other president in our history.
I think we agree on the problem. Unfortunately we don’t agree on the solution. Somehow you have it in your mind that more of everything (more spending/debt, more IRS involvement, more burden on corporations, more burden on welfare, school systems, and other social programs) will magically lead to less of those same problems. Can you explain how that makes sense?
David Andersen
on 13 Jul 10“It is mind-boggling for almost every non-US person to see how much opposition there still is against his ideas.”
Undoubtedly because we’re one of the few remaining countries with something that resembles a free-market, free-association system – largely an alien experience to most of the world (sadly).
It’s mind boggling to me how many non-US nationals think they have enough knowledge to have an informed opinion about the United States.
on 13 Jul 10I’d like to see Quinn on this shirt myself…
on 13 Jul 10First things first, shoot that raccoon off of his head!... wait that is his 80s hair.
But someone needs to nut punch this tool bucket. And someone needs to nut punch America for letting this joker be on TV. We need to bring back tar and feathering, and nut punching to politics. And people need to stand up to raccoon heads like this fella by, you guessed it. Nut punching.
David Andersen
on 13 Jul 10The ability to edit posts would be sweet…
David Andersen
on 13 Jul 10Because then it might be possible to fix the open emphasis tag.
David Andersen
on 13 Jul 10Because I can’t seem to do it this way.
on 14 Jul 10Undoubtedly because we’re one of the few remaining countries with something that resembles a free-market, free-association system
Is it too late to mention Somalia?
David Andersen
on 14 Jul 10Okay EH, I’ll add ‘rule of law’ to the list.
This discussion is closed.