Why we prefer many small customers vs. a few big customers
But doesn’t the simple strategy we’ve chosen at 37signals leave money on the table? Why turn down someone who wants to pay you thousands of dollars a month? Good questions. We’re probably leaving money on the table. But we’re also leaving complexity on the table. And complexity is like a leak in your roof. It starts small. But over time, it does real damage. And once that damage has begun, it’s hard to stop. Best not to let it in in the first place.
David O.
on 30 May 12I don’t have a problem with complexity, if you are in the tech business you’re in the business of complexity. You are usually trying to make the complex, simple. That being said I like David’s answer better, the one about not having to deal with steaks & strippers.
Raphael Scartezini
on 30 May 12The explanation in that article is very good. That makes 37signals unique. Tech business shouldn’t always be complex. And almost all of the companies that “try to make the complex simple” failed, except for Apple maybe… even Google is not being able to keep it simple.
PJ Hyett
on 30 May 12You can sell opinionated software to the Enterprise. We do it every day.
Rob Colburn
on 30 May 12No one likes selling to an oligopsony.
on 04 Jun 121
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