Some of my most beloved products are those that make ME amazing at something that matters to me, even if I am kicking and screaming and swearing at the product while using it. Of course if I am kicking and screaming and swearing, I’m obviously having a compromised experience… One that might prevent me from producing something wonderful. But I’ll still take a poor UX that makes me truly better at something I care about, than the beautiful, artful, exquisite “Who Cares” product.
Kathy Sierra, responding to If VCs Understood UX.
Kathy Sierra, responding to If VCs Understood UX.
on 24 Sep 12That’s how I feel about Swype on my Android phone. Infuriatingly excellent, I think is the term.
on 24 Sep 12That sounds like the latest and greatest version of the cod operating system known as iOS6…
The improvement of one particular built in application is absolutely marvellous.
Now where was that mountain again?
on 27 Sep 12It’s SO much better to be hated than it is to be ignored.
on 30 Sep 12vega
on 30 Sep 12123
../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd .jpg
on 30 Sep 12123
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