My little cousin decided to dress up as Woody from Toy Story for Halloween this year. After finding the perfect version of that costume from the Disney Store, his mom had it shipped to the office since we didn’t know exactly what time it would arrive in the day. When it got here, the words “Love – Andy” was written in marker on the outside by someone from the Disney Store team.
If you haven’t seen Toy Story yet, first – go see it. It’s a great Pixar movie. After you’ve seen it, you’ll know that Andy is the kid from the movie and Woody is one of his toys.
It’s great to see when a team goes out of its way for the little things. It only took that person a few seconds to sign the box. Now I can’t wait to see how excited my cousin is to see that his costume was from Andy himself.
Don’t forget the little things that you can do with your customers to brighten their day. It might just be signing a name to you. It’ll be a whole new experience to them.
Donovan Myers
on 09 Oct 12I’m confused, who wrote “Love Andy” on the box? Someone in the shipping department of the Disney Store order processing?
on 09 Oct 12It was someone from the Disney Store team that wrote that on the box when they shipped it.
Greg House
on 09 Oct 12Celebrating Disney pulling the wool over your little cousin’s eyes—an interesting choice, Chase…
Then again, everybody lies.
on 09 Oct 12Lovely.
on 09 Oct 12@37signals
From the photo, it appears Disney actually printed “Love Andy”, as opposed to someone hand writing it.
on 09 Oct 12It’s funny to see how such a simple (and free) gesture can turn someone into a loyal customer. Smart idea.
on 10 Oct 12It really doesn’t matter whether Disney pre-printed the box or if someone actually wrote it. The important thing here is that the power behind the Disney magic is that the story drives everything they do.
Willian Fernandes
on 10 Oct 12Awesome!!! I work at Baby.com.br, and our mindset is quite the same as Disney’s team. “We love moms”
on 10 Oct 12That’s cute! Doesn’t look printed to me, and true, it doesn’t really matter :)
on 10 Oct 12@ Greg House : what a joyless comment, Greg. It must take some effort to be that miserable.
Mark Richards
on 10 Oct 12Great idea!
Good reminder that people don’t care about what you know, they want to know you care.
on 10 Oct 12I’ve always been amazed at Disney’s ability to go the extra step. Whether on a cruise, at their parks, watching a movie, or in their store – my experiences with Disney have always been remarkable.
Ben Wolfgramm
on 11 Oct 12If marketing is about putting warm fuzzies in your customers hearts. If it’s about putting them in a mood to buy, then I think Disney has succeeded here.
Warm fuzzies are free to give and often have a great ROI!
on 11 Oct 12Awesome
Jose Palomino
on 16 Oct 12This is such a great story - one that reminds us to find all the little ways we can DELIGHT our customers. Don’t just make them happy, don’t just do your job - find out what delights them, and go the extra mile. People remember, and it sets you and your company just that much apart.
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