There are plenty of books that will teach you to be a better writer, but I’ve never found one so immediately useful as Revising Prose by Richard A. Lanham. Following along as Lanham revises example upon example of real world writing is like exercise for your writing muscles.
My favorite takeaway is this tip for improving the rhythm and cadence of your writing. Many of us have learned to read text out loud as a method to reveal awkward transitions or generally dull passages, but you can also spot poor rhythm visually. A red flag for dull cadence is a run of sentences that are all of similar length. Try adding a carriage return after every sentence or phrase, the rhythm is evident:

While other books have increased my knowledge of writing, Revising Prose changed the way I write and how I think about writing. Buy a copy at Amazon.
on 29 Nov 12For fans of Revising Prose, the first draft of this post was about 640 words, but the final has 194 for a Lard Factor of 69%.
Nathan Kontny
on 29 Nov 12Zed Shaw had a great comment on Hacker News the other day about his top 11 writing tips. A good one not to miss is “Actually live a life full of experiences worth writing about.”
on 29 Nov 12Nice trick. I’m gonna use it. I’d be tempted to buy the book… but the CD on the cover scares the hell out of me.
Petr Ruzicka
on 29 Nov 12No Kindle :(
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