Daniel Øhrgaard writes:

Notice how the little, er, laser-beam-thing (?) above the navigation suggests moving from left to right, i.e. first you “meet zune” and in the end you, inexorably, require “support”... Well, at least it’s sorta honest.

PHP Developers’ Network
Megan Jack writes:

Check out the yellow box that alerts you that this article may be out of date. I’ve come across a lot of content on the web that is not dated. Is this article from 2005 or 1998? Who knows. The PHPMac method could be applied to any site – I think a lot of misinformation occurs when people don’t realize that content they are reading is out of date, either because there is no date or because they don’t notice that the article or website is several years old. About.com is particularly bad for this (no dates on articles).

Planet Argon
planet argon
Nice “create an account” form at Planet Argon.

American Express
We have to be ThirtySevenSignals for AmEx.

Got an interesting link, story, or screenshot for Signal vs. Noise? Contact svn [at] 37signals [dot] com.