Searching for the 37th signal: Rails Programmer
We’re looking for the tenth programmer to join the team.
You’re reading Signal v. Noise, a publication about the web by Basecamp since 1999. Happy !
We’re looking for the tenth programmer to join the team.
on 19 Mar 1337signals
Can you provide insight into what everyone does everyday.
Having 36 employees seems unbelievably large to develop and support the few products you have.
Anonymous Coward
on 19 Mar 13Chandler Loveridge, [email protected] Know anything about python or C++? I’m trying to learn so i can hope to someday make my own OS running computer. please email me and thanks.
Jason Fried
on 19 Mar 13Danny, we actually have ~20 apps in total. In addition to our public apps, we have of internal stuff that customers never see but that they indirectly depend on to keep things fast, reliable, secure, etc. Infrastructure is the iceberg – there’s always more than meets the eye. Plus, we often have a few ideas churning that may or may not see the light of day.
George Robinson
on 19 Mar 13This sounds like such a wonderful opportunity. Unfortunately I have little to no experience with Ruby on Rails, but some lucky person will get a chance to work at an awesome company.
Chris Mailloux
on 23 Mar 13Would Love! to work @ 37 signals , been programming for awhile but Rails only a year or two.
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