We’ve been running our job board since 2006 and connected thousands of talented people with great jobs. It’s been a great place for people who got the ethos of REWORK to find like-minded individuals. More than 100 positions are currently listed.
It’s been a great run, but it’s time for something new. As a company, we’re obviously big supporters of working remotely. We’ve been doing so for the last decade. 75% of our people are working remotely. We just wrote a new book, REMOTE: Office Not Required, about the why and how. Now we want to help highlight forward-looking companies who’ve decided that they too could benefit from the best talent regardless of where they live.
WeWorkRemotely.com is our brand new job board, reserved exclusively for remote job listings. We’re making it completely free to post for the first 24 hours! After that, the 30-day rate is going to be half of what it was on our old job board, just $200.
The traditional you-must-commute-to-our-office job situation has plenty of outlets. Here’s an outlet for those who go beyond that. Enjoy!
on 05 Nov 13Great idea. It would be great to have a separate category for non-technical positions like Business Development + Financ/Accounting/Operations + Sales
on 05 Nov 13Very great idea! Thanks very much!
David – why 200$ / 30 days ?
Jared White
on 05 Nov 13Genius! It’s hard to wade through many job boards to find good positions that are specifically allowing for remote work. This is simply the right site at the right time. At the risk of sounding like a 37signals sycophant, you absolutely nailed it. :)
on 05 Nov 13Awesome!
What a brilliant and simple idea! I wish ballpark compensation was posted but this is super.
on 05 Nov 13This put a big smile on my face.
on 05 Nov 13Great idea, but right now the only listing in your Copywriter job section is for a company that looks like it’s a content mill. There are a lot of job boards already where I can find freelance writing and copywriting positions that are remote by default, but I would love it if you curated We Work Remotely so that the only copywriter jobs posted are for full-time copywriter positions at companies that truly embrace remote work.
on 06 Nov 13@37signals
I use to think you were a software company but have come to realize your actually (and unfortunately) a services companies.
I wager that out of all your revenue streams, the following generate the highest margins … in no particular order:
- The Deck Network - Job Board - We Work Remotely (Job Board)
Which is to say, you are providing a ad service, not a product.
on 06 Nov 13Hi guys, did you get around to do some programming lately, like e.g. updating your current products like Highrise (which you still charge for), or are programming and webapps more of a side project? ;-)
on 06 Nov 13Jeremy, the job board, the books, and this site are hobbies with benefits. About as essential to our financial well-being as an ice cream on a hot summer day: Delicious but you’d be just fine without.
The bread and the butter comes from our software products and have done so for close to a decade.
on 06 Nov 13Ice cream on a hot summers day is always a good idea, Why so many food references David? Clearly majority of revenue comes from basecamp. There are lots of job boards around but nothing differentiates them so working remotely is a good idea.
on 06 Nov 13I was surprised that the RSS links from the search results page didn’t incorporate the search terms. An RSS feed of every programming job, regardless of language or other personally important factors, is unnecessary overload for job seekers. Hopefully that feature is right around the corner. Consider this my offer to work remotely and add it. ;-)
Chris Patton
on 06 Nov 13Just chiming in to say thank you! Nicely done and a big help.
Glenn Meder
on 06 Nov 13Great idea. I simply can’t fathom what drives the haters. David and Jason are entrepreneurs in the truest sense. They create value for people. Stop hating and go create something!
on 06 Nov 13I would like to see a new section added to WeWorkRemotely for job seekers to post resumes and bios!
Matt J.
on 07 Nov 13Glad you are doing this. The problem with the “remote” tag on many job boards, even good ones like Stack Exchange’s, is that it often doesn’t mean “100% remote” when you read the fine print. Please enforce this if possible! Thanks.
on 07 Nov 13@Glenn Meder – Well, some of the people you call „haters“ are invested (training, workflow, integration) in the 37signals-tools. So, because we actually are creating stuff it is quite annoying that 37signals doesn’t reinvested adequate amounts (plus attention) back into software, but into all kinds of semi-relevant side projects.
I have persuaded people to use 37signals´ products in the past, but it is starting to bite me in the behind as David & Jason seem more interested in car racing and side projects than growing the products we, the customers, have put money and time into.
Jay Godse
on 07 Nov 13I was looking for this job a couple of years ago. Most of the gigs on your previous job boards were for all locations except where I live, and there were few remote jobs. Well done.
I would love to see tagging and search of job listings on this job board, similar to the job board at careers.stackoverflow.com.
By the way, the $200 price tag is a bit low for posting, in my opinion. I’m much more confident applying to a job when the employer is feeling enough pain to put some real money into the recruiting process. It signals that they are serious about hiring somebody. The free job boards may have more listings, but too many companies use those free boards to signal to their competitors and customers that they are “growing”, or they use them as “fishing licenses” to catch a good developer for whom they have no real need.
Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter
on 08 Nov 13I quite like the idea, but a lot of the jobs seem to require you are located in a specific country; mostly the USA. It would really be nice if companies could specify this as a specific parameter, so that us job-seekers could easily filter on it, preferably with a filter provided by the website. It is frustrating to read through a job description, and then at the end find a line like “must be located in the USA to apply” when you are located elsewhere, especially when the whole idea of working remotely is that it doesn’t matter where you live. I can understand why companies have these restrictions, for instance to don’t have to deal with different timezones and work hours, and mostly the legal and payment issues that come with different territories and legal systems.
So, in short, adding more specifications on which you can filter, would be nice. Think of: – location (USA, European Union, any specific country/countries) – number of hours a week – timeslots (in UTC) you’d be expected to work
One final note/question: why is the “Let us know if this job isn’t really remote.” option an e-mail link? Why not just use some form? Is it to throw up a barrier to reduce spam? Because for me it was more of a barrier to actually not report it since I didn’t feel like using e-mail to report it.
on 08 Nov 13So another experiment like Sortfolio…?
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on 12 Nov 13This discussion is closed.