Some recent activity at our internal 37signals Campfire chat room:

YouTube commenters
Jeremy K.
Jeremy K.
Stephen Hawking in zero G
Jamis B.
so cool
Jeremy K.
“i cant believe this reatarded looking guy is smarter than almost every1. crazy” (ah, youtube..)

iPhone service plans
Mark I.
AT&T & Apple announce iPhone service plans:
Jason F.
Oh cool, checking
Mark I.
Jason F.
I love that there are just 3 plans
Mark I.
I love that there’s unlimited data access.
Mark I.
The cell providers usually charge through the nose for it..
Jason F.
of course people will look at the minutes and price and just compare those to other plans
Jason F.
And when you do that it looks expensive
Jason F.
But with unlimited data… It’s a fair deal.
Jason F.
And AT&T has rollover too, which is great
Mark I.
These plans are totally driven by Apple, it’s obviousl
Mark I.
They make too much sense to have originated at a telco. :)

UPS alert
Mark I.
UPS is pretty cool. I just got an automated call from them telling me that I’m getting a package today from that requires a signature.
Mark I.
Such a great idea to give the recipient a heads up like that.
Jason F.
Isn’t it