Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

Keeping track of miles with Basecamp time tracking
“What we are doing now is using a project folder called mileage log and instead of recording time, we record miles. As a manager, it is easier for me to generate reports per person and date range and attach those to the accounting department for reimbursement purposes.”

Basecamp helps barn converters
“For me, the cornerstone of project management isn’t a gantt chart or a risk register, but lists. In Basecamp, I find the ability to create and maintain all the lists that I need to keep track of my barn conversion. It also provides you with the ability to share files, text, and messages and track time & tasks with other members of a project team. The emphasis is on project collaboration and communication.”

Two examples of using Backpack to plan a wedding
“Our wedding was an informal affair at a beach-side kiosk location in South Australia. To co-ordinate people involved in the event, friends and family mostly, we used this Backpack public page. It worked wonderfully well and the day was a huge success.”


Macworld chooses Campfire and Backpack as tools for “portable office”
“Keeping things unstructured and unscheduled leaves room for us to chat about anything—from what we did over the weekend, to specific issues that crop up while we work. Since our East Coast writer starts earlier than everyone else, we West Coasters catch his posts in Campfire after we wake up and log on. More than any other Web application on this list, Campfire offers a strong sense of working in the same space with your team, even if you’re physically spread out across the country.”

Getting Real
PMBA: Getting Real is one of the 77 best business books in print
The Personal MBA Recommended Reading List is a list of “the 77 best business books in print.” We’re pleased to announce that Getting Real by 37signals is now on the list! It is one of six books in the “Design & Production” category.

How GitHub used Getting Real to pick a fight, scratch their own itch, and stay lean
“We’ve employed Getting Real (with great success) at GitHub since day one. Not because we wanted to, or because we thought it was the One True Way. We’ve done it because we had no choice…Once we eschewed funding, we made a few more decisions: stay lean, give the site an attitude, bust out features quickly, and define the site’s purpose in a single sentence.”

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