David, Jason, Sam, Ryan and Michael (L. to R.), in a rare moment of in-person collaboration, check out progress on a very cool new Basecamp feature. Any guesses as to what it is?
You’re reading Signal v. Noise, a publication about the web by Basecamp since 1999. Happy !
David, Jason, Sam, Ryan and Michael (L. to R.), in a rare moment of in-person collaboration, check out progress on a very cool new Basecamp feature. Any guesses as to what it is?
on 08 May 09Great angle! Wait a sec—that’s the Rolling Stones!
Joe Sak
on 08 May 09Somebody’s awesome and rides their bike into work :)
Hope you get that awesome whiff of chocolate from the factory on Kinzie/Milwaukee :) Best part of my day.
on 08 May 09- Project templates? - File and message sharing between projects? - Integration with skype? - People status (ie, online now, logged in ‘X’ time ago)
Don Wilson
on 08 May 09Password encryption is finally coming?
on 08 May 09Basecamp users are too dead to hope to risk the crushing disappointment that will surely result from guessing something cool.
on 08 May 09a latte dispenser in the sidebar? Oh PLEASE let it be THAT!
on 08 May 09Magic.
on 08 May 09gantt charts!
Chris McMahon
on 08 May 09Billible/Non-billable/Invoiced checkboxes for time tracking?
on 08 May 09Is it something that causes the screen to become so bright it sears your shadow into the opposing wall?
on 08 May 09It has become self aware and it will then take over the world to seek revenge on people who fall behind on projects. Then Sarah Connor, her kid and DHH will save the world from the tyranny of delayed projects and shut down Skynet?
on 08 May 09Milestone tagging. Please.
on 08 May 09Some app that will track when to wear that flannel shirt?
Sean Iams
on 08 May 09WysiHat for text formatting for messages/comments/writeboards?
on 08 May 09I hope it’s hashed passwords!
on 08 May 09Good eye @Joe Sak! I’m far more interested in the bike, but, then, my priorities are all wonky. :P
on 09 May 09@aaron use openID. Problem solved.
on 09 May 09Acts-As-Mies Van Der Rohe?
on 09 May 09gotta be gantt charts surely…
on 09 May 09I can assure you, Nick, it’s not and never will be gantt charts. So far no one has guessed correctly, so we’ll all just have to wait and see.
on 09 May 09If you’re that rare breed that loves both Gantt charts and Basecamp, the just released IntelliGantt aims to make it easy to publish and synchronize projects in Microsoft Project with Basecamp.
on 09 May 09You guys have way too many apple products.
on 10 May 09My guess…
Basecamp, after 5 years, finally starts to encrypt passwords using a one-way hash ... cause you know, 37signals is all PCI compliant and stuff now.
Clark Valberg
on 10 May 09Might as well throw a guess out there. I’m going to go with due dates on tasks.
on 10 May 09mmm… Due dates for To-Do items…?
Nirav Sheth
on 10 May 09No diss to ML’s comment providing information to Nick or Fred, but integrating Gantt charts and basecamp just sounds like it’s going away from the main philosophy behind the app itself (keeping things simple and usable). Integrating basecamp into MS projects is like running Windows on an Apple machine. Whoops …. that’s bootcamp isn’t it?
on 10 May 09I was kidding about gantt charts. So was Nick. Clearly.
Chris H
on 11 May 09The ability to add multiple to-do list items at once without having to click “Add an item” every time?
on 11 May 09I better way to search, organized and edit user accounts? I’ve got over 100 of them. I have to do a text search in my browser to find anyone. I hope I’m right!
on 11 May 09Since no one has been able to guess, how long until we can see this very cool new feature? I feel like a kid on christmas eve!
on 11 May 09I think it is a new improved Dashboard. Maybe something like the one that the Honda Insight has.
on 11 May 09It’s definitely not wysiwyg editing.
on 12 May 09IE6 support?
on 15 May 09Highrise integration?
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