More on selling your by-products: The Dum Dum mystery pop is a mixture of two flavors (the end of one batch of candy meets the beginning of the next batch). Our candy lines are continuous and the switch over from one flavor to another results in some pops containing both flavors. Source: Dum Dum FAQs
Paul S
on 07 Apr 10Cool stuff. It’s a really interesting by-product and the way they present it is great!
on 07 Apr 10Great find.
Kirk Strobeck
on 07 Apr 10Not as much a commodity, but even our breathing is a by-product, it feeds trees.
Peter J. Hart
on 07 Apr 10Just so there is no confusion, it is an artificial Mystery Flavor. So no worries if you are allergic to the real stuff. And it’s trademarked, so don’t get any ideas.
Joe Sullivan
on 08 Apr 10I’ve always thought this is how “mixed berry” yogurt and jellies were born.
Emmanuel Turpin
on 12 Apr 10Also the “Cancel” button should be the default button. Preveting the user’s reflex of pressing the enter key when a dialog shows of deleting all of his messages. Greate post !
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