Two nice touches on Me & Goji cereal: The handwritten name of the person who made the mix and the CEOs cell phone number in the lid. Well done.
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Two nice touches on Me & Goji cereal: The handwritten name of the person who made the mix and the CEOs cell phone number in the lid. Well done.
on 28 Jun 11Thats kind of awesome.
on 28 Jun 11I bet he gets a lot of calls now
on 28 Jun 11They also have the main ingredients in all caps and break out component ingredients in parens all in lower case, makes it easy to differentiate between the two.
Anonymous Coward
on 29 Jun 11Nice touch.
However, the skeptic in me throws a red flag. The number could be a call center and how many laura’s do they have working their?
I could call I guess and poke around. But then I’d pay long distance just to satisfy my curiosity. (I’m not that curious.)
on 29 Jun 11@Anonymous Coward: “But then I’d pay long distance just to satisfy my curiosity” —Pay long distance? What year do you live in?
on 29 Jun 11I like it. But I thought there’d at least be a remark about where those apostrophes went. Execution is in the details.
on 29 Jun 11Grammer fail…but it’s a nice idea.
Damn – steve beat me to it!
on 29 Jun 11I guess that post will cause more calls at the CEO than any number of sold boxes.
on 29 Jun 11@Joel – speling fale! Grammer! sheesh! :)
on 29 Jun 11Or another explanation : Laura is the CEO, it’s a one-person business…
Anyway, the fact that it can be a phony name is not impossible. My wife has worked in a call center, they worked for a company who was sending letters to their customers telling them “if you have any question, you can call Camille at the following number…”. All the people working there were “Camille” (they had chosen this name because it’s both a male and female name…), there were more than 200 “Camille” in that call center…
Shubham Bansal
on 29 Jun 11The point is not whether Laura is the CEO or not, but how many times do you ever see a consumer product with the contact details of someone on it. I don’t think this guy will be getting that many calls either and even if he is, there will be some genuine feedback for the product. People don’t call if they don’t give a shit and if they do, that means you’re doing great.
on 29 Jun 11While my shirt wasn’t handmade by a specific person it was “Inspected by Inspector #8.”
Jonathan the cynic
on 29 Jun 11I don’t get it. Providing the CEO’s phone number is not a “guarantee” by any means. I don’t want to call him, I want the cereal to be tasty (which by the look off it it most certainly already is).
I’m slowly getting tired of the whole “Hey guys we’re nice folks” marketing thing, cf Ben & Jerry’s.
And this Grumbling old grumpy man returns to his whining …
on 29 Jun 11I’m so confident you’ll like our product – here’s my phone number to bitch (which you won’t because this product rocks) if you don’t like it.
Robin Jakobsson
on 30 Jun 11To all of you who are skeptic: just call the number!
on 01 Jul 11Jason,
How was the cereal? I have been thinking about purchasing it, but was wondering how it tasted.
Thanks, John
on 03 Jul 11Sorta kinda nice, but also sorta kinda upper-crusty bohemian booshwah bootique whole foods starbucky I’m too snooty for what looks like mass-produced anything so there!
Personally, I’ve been eating Lucky Charms for 40 years, never felt the need to call anyone and complain. There’s satisfaction in every box, I tell ya!
on 04 Jul 11This is a nice touch, but it doesn’t scale well. If it is such a great idea, why doesn’t 37 Signals do the same? (Answer: Because beyond a certain size, the idea is impractical.)
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