Our little ad network that could is growing up. We’ve just added Matt Haughey’s brand new site Fortuitous to The Deck. Fortuitous is where Matt documents his “new career in professionally screwing around on the web.” Few people have screwed around as successfully as Matt, so his experience and wisdom is especially valuable.
These sites are The Deck: A List Apart, Daring Fireball, 37signals, Waxy.org, YayHooray!, The Morning News, Design Observer, Kottke.org, IconBuffet, Helvetica: The Film, Computerlove, Vitamin, Fortuitous, Zeldman, Subtraction, swissmiss, Airbag, & Coudal.
If you have a product or service that could benefit by being in front of millions of creative, web and design professionals, check out The Deck. June-August inventory is now available.
on 20 May 07Not an attack on Jason, but I’m curious. What product or service can I get from kottke.org? ;-)
Anonymous Coward
on 20 May 07What product or service can I get from kottke.org?
Huh? What does that have to do with anything?
on 21 May 07His famous Silkscreen font. That’s how I found his blog in the first place.
Matthew Schwartz
on 21 May 07Fried, I haven’t talked to you in years, but wanted to say I read the Time Magazine article and I am very happy and excited by your tremendous success. BTW – can you still jump high enough to touch the rim on a 10’ basket? Also, remember I taught you your sales skills at U of A, starting with bad t-shirts :)
on 21 May 07I rarely respond to Anonymous Cowards but I’ll bite.
I ask because the post goes on to say “If you have a product or service that could benefit by being in front of millions of creative, web and design professionals…”, but as is clarified on the Coudal site: “We won’t take an ad unless we have paid for and/or used the product or service.”
However as Erik rightly points out, Jason brought us Silkscreen. How could I forget!
So that’s that all cleared up.
See how well this ‘open discussion’ thing works.. gosh, it could catch on!
So, Anonymous Coward, what did YOU bring to the discussion??
on 21 May 07Gordon, Kottke isn’t an ad, it’s a site running the ads. We buy/try the products being advertised before we accept the ad.
This discussion is closed.