Stewart Butterfield’s resignation letter from Yahoo (from Watching the birth of Flickr co-founder’s gaming start-up)
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Stewart Butterfield’s resignation letter from Yahoo (from Watching the birth of Flickr co-founder’s gaming start-up)
Anonymous Coward
on 09 Feb 10He joined Yahoo back in ‘21.
When was that? 1921? 2021?
(3rd sentence)
Anonymous Coward
on 09 Feb 10Does anyone else not get the resignation letter, even after skimming the extremely length CNet article?
on 09 Feb 10I thought it was extremely funny, and understood it before I read the article.
on 09 Feb 10I “get it” in the sense that he was trying to be clever. Major fail on that count, though.
I applaud him for leaving… but the letter is bunk.
on 09 Feb 10Jeez, I bet you guys are a real hoot at parties.
on 09 Feb 10+1 EH
on 09 Feb 10Clever > Classy, evidently.
Rob Cameron
on 09 Feb 10Glad I’m not the only one who missed the point.
Justin Reese
on 09 Feb 10The letter is classic. It allowed Stewart to accuse Yahoo! of running his baby into the ground, but without triggering defensiveness and reciprocation. Humor helped the medicine go down.
@ACs: Stewart founded Flickr and sold it to Yahoo (in ‘05), only to watch them neglect it into something he didn’t like. I would have assumed this was obvious, but the dates/incidents in the letter are metaphorical for strategic changes within Yahoo!.
on 12 Feb 10Yeah, I guess if he was talking straight and to the point his stuff would not be neglected and turned into something he does not like…
Just say what’s on your mind man! This letter was not sugar coated, it was wrapped in 3 layers of bubble wrap, then packed deep into those packing peanut chips and delivered.
Plamen Ivanov
on 12 Feb 10As ever, very good article.
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