- Notes from a talk by Alan Kay
- “Turn up your nose at good ideas. You must work on great ideas, not good ones.”...”Better is the enemy of best.”...”Point of view is worth 80 IQ points.”...”People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.”
- In defense of "purposeless acts of design whimsy"
- “One of the functions of design is to delight and amuse the audience. There’s something to be gained from indulging ourselves, once in a while, in purposeless acts of design whimsy, even if we spend our days building minutely optimized interfaces that give no quarter to artistic idiosyncrasies.”
- Infographic: ‘Hope’ ‘Iraq’ ‘Economy’ ‘Oil’
President Bush’s speeches have included over 34,000 words. This interactive graphic visually displays which ones pop up most frequently and when they appeared.
- Curing Blackberry thumbs and tech necks
- “Therapies to treat workplace woes such as a sore thumb from tapping on a hand-held computer, the aches of ‘tech neck’ from typing on a laptop or even skin irritation from chatting on a cell phone are the latest rage to hit high-end spas.”
- iPhone tester: Keyboard is “a huge improvement” over thumbpads on Treo and other smart phones
- “The buttons are significantly larger, you don’t have to hit them dead-center, you lightly tap them instead of punching them down, and the software is smart enough to know that you meant to type ‘Tuesday’ instead of ‘Tudsday.’ After 30 seconds, I was already typing faster with the iPhone than I ever have with any other phone. I suspect that true e-mail demons will need to adapt to the lack of tactile feedback, though.”
- What do Tiffany’s and Glock have in common?
- “One of the many reasons Apple, Tiffany’s, Mercedes, and others can charge a premium for their less feature laden products is quality. It’s important to point out that quality can be either actual or perceived. Did you know that Ferraris have few parts than most cars, but that the parts are of much higher quality? The same can be said for Glock. I was once told by a sportsman that Glock had done test burying their handguns in the mud, left them for 10 years, then dug them up, cocked and fired them without incident. Now that’s quality control.”
- Microsoft "purging bloat to fashion sleek software"
- “The chief sales point of Office 2007 (for Windows XP or Vista), which arrives on Jan. 30, is that it’s simpler, it’s more streamlined and its documents take up far less disk space…Evidently, even Microsoft saw the need for a major feature purge. ‘We had some options in there that literally did nothing,’ said Paul Coleman, a product manager.”
- Why Ideo hires t-shaped people
- “We look for people who are so inquisitive about the world that they’re willing to try to do what you do. We call them ‘T-shaped people.’ They have a principal skill that describes the vertical leg of the T — they’re mechanical engineers or industrial designers. But they are so empathetic that they can branch out into other skills, such as anthropology, and do them as well. They are able to explore insights from many different perspectives and recognize patterns of behavior that point to a universal human need.”
- Meet the Real Sacha Baron Cohen
- NPR interview with Baron Cohen (rare recent interview where he’s not in character).
Damien McKenna
on 25 Jan 07Microsoft’s OpenXML “standard” is derrived from the OASIS ODF, which compresses all of the various portions of the file in a standard zip file and the default format within Windows is the uber-bloated BMP, so of course its going to be smaller than their non-OpenXML files. Duh.
on 25 Jan 07I suggest searching for the word “terror” in the NYTimes speech Infographic.
on 25 Jan 07Try searching for New Orleans, Katrina or Peace.
Kirk Franklin
on 25 Jan 07The New York Times infographic is nice, but it would have been more interesting if they’d split Iran and Iraq so we could compare their rise and fall. President Bush mentioned Iran five times in this year’s State of the Union address, which is probably the most since he listed them as part of the “Axis of Evil” in his 2002 address.
on 26 Jan 07The infographic reminds me of “Qaeda Quality Question Quickly Quickly Quiet”, a record where Lenka Clayton took the 2002 Union address, cut it up into words and played it back in alphabetical order.
PR Ganapathy
on 26 Jan 07Talking about the state of the union, at this link: http://chir.ag/phernalia/preztags/ you’ll find a fascinating analysis of presidential speeches from way back to the latest…
on 27 Jan 07”...Glock had done test burying their handguns in the mud, left them for 10 years, then dug them up, cocked and fired them without incident. Now that’s quality control.”
Sample data without control data is just marketing, not quality control. Try burying a hundred glocks and a hundred each of several other pistols, then show me the results.
on 27 Jan 07The best cure for “tech neck” is to keep you monitor up high such that your eyes are level with the the top 1/3rd of the monitor when you are staring straight ahead.
If you have a laptop get a 2nd monitor. Says I without a second monitor right now.
on 29 Jan 07On popular words – Found this Presidential Speech Tag Cloud somewhere along the line and it is quite fascinating. It looks at speeches over history and shows you popular words in cloud form.
Pretty nifty and nicely presented as well.
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