Jason co-founded Basecamp back in 1999. He also co-authored REWORK, the New York Times bestselling book on running a "right-sized" business. Co-founded, co-authored... Can he do anything on his own?
The Vice Fund invests in companies, both domestic and foreign, engaged in the aerospace and defense industries, owners and operators of casinos and gaming facilities, manufacturers of gaming equipment such as slot machines, manufacturers of cigarettes and other tobacco products, and brewers, distillers,
vintners and producers of other alcoholic beverages.
For good measure be sure to also pick up McDonalds, Yum (they own Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, KFC), and some pharmaceuticals that specialize in blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity drugs, and you might just get rich in this new “we’re fucked” economy.
(You may notice that the numbers don’t add up — that’s because new comments were added between the database queries)
We’re really happy that about 10.5% of the comments posted in the past 72 hours were comments posted on to-dos and milestones. That’s great uptake on a new feature in just 3 days. We’re thrilled that people are loving the new feature! Thanks for your continued support.
Very clever new input concept from one of the guys who brought you T9. I was just simulating this on my keyboard and it’s surprisingly easy to do. Of course I don’t have anything to measure my accuracy, but I think the concept is fascinating.
This show’s topic will be “The Starting Line: From Idea to Execution”. How do you start your business? How do you take that idea you had and actually do something with it? How do you get from thought to action? How do you deal with business plans and projections and all that stuff you’re supposed to do when you get started. Do you hire people? Do you design business cards? All that good stuff.
We look forward to seeing you for 37signals Live this Thursday!
So, we’re working on this new Highrise feature that requires currency icons. We’ve been making icons for some popular currencies:
During our currency research we stumbled upon the universal currency sign which is used to denote a currency when the symbol for a particular currency is unavailable. The currency symbol was invented in 1972. I want to invent a symbol!
Armed with this knowledge, we made an icon to represent the other currencies that may not have custom icons:
The currency sign was news to us so we thought it might be news to you. If you already knew, lucky you. If you didn’t, maybe this can fill your “learn something new everyday” quota.
Today we’re thrilled to be able to announce a big new addition to Basecamp: You can now attach files and post comments on to-dos and milestones. Previously this functionality was only available on messages.
A green comment icon after a to-do or milestone means there are new comments on that item. A dark grey comment icon means there are comments on that item, but you’ve already read them. And if an item doesn’t have any comments, you’ll see an empty comment icon when you hover over that item. Clicking the comment icon will take you to the comments view for that to-do or milestone.
Deeplinking: A happy side effect
This new feature comes with a great side effect: You can now deep link to individual to-do items or milestones. Previously you could only link to a to-do list or the milestones section, but now you can link directly to individual to-dos or specific milestones.
Project management is communication
This new feature is directly in-line with Basecamp’s core premise: Project management is communication. Before you had to keep all your discussions in the messages section. That worked, but it required you to discuss one part of your project in another part of your project. Now you can have discussions about to-dos and milestones right on top of those to-dos and milestones.
We hope you love it
We’re really excited about this new feature. We think it’s going to help you get a lot more more out of Basecamp. Thanks again for your continued support!