Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:
See your team’s Twitter posts inside Campfire
“Last week, Des suggested that it would be great if we could see things that team members were posting on Twitter from inside Campfire…A small script now runs every minute and pulls in the feed and posts new updates to Campfire. Now we can keep a track of the conversations we’re having outside Campfire, inside Campfire. I’ve published the source code to the script on GitHub if you’d like to play with it yourself.”
Home organization expert on Backpack: “It’s like magic! My respite of order in a chaotic world.”
“I log in to Backpack from home on Sunday and note on the Writeboard what I plan to cook for those evenings. I also list what ingredients we’ll need to buy at the Farmer’s Market or grocery store. I can even include a link to the recipe, if applicable. He can do the same for his cooking days. We can also make note of who will go to the grocery store, and whose turn it is to clean up the kitchen each night. The end result is a comprehensive meal plan for the whole week, including menu and shopping reminder list, which we can either print out or access from work, home or on an iPhone!”
Backpack is “the obvious solution” for organizing a trip
“My planning fell into natural sections: flight to Toronto, hotel in Toronto, flight to New York, hotel in New York, flight from New York, and flight from Toronto. I wanted to keep these distinct but also on the same page.”
How one student uses Backpack as a “digital notebook”
“Situation: Your student life is in disarray. Papers are here and there, deadlines and assignments are floating around in your head. Sure, a notebook could help. But you need something digital. What do you do? Solution: Use the very flexible Backpack web application from 37signals.”
[Case Study] Diabetes Hands Foundation: “Basecamp dramatically improves our internal communications”
“To-dos are one of the greatest things Basecamp offers and, since they started supporting comments, they became even nicer as you can now follow up with people who are tasked with a to-do, without emailing them outside the platform!...Basecamp helps increase our productivity and dramatically improves our internal communications. And it does this at an affordable price that lets us continue to use it in spite of our budget limitations as a nonprofit.”
Custom Shadow Box keeps clients in the loop with Basecamp
“Not only do I find Basecamp invaluable for working with clients in my web design/development business, but it’s also been great for my small but growing side business, Custom Shadow Box.”
GetIT offers clients a personalized guide to Basecamp
Basecamp customer GetIT offers new media solutions to corporations like Cisco Systems, HP, Nokia, and CNET Asia. At GetIT Project Portal, the company offers clients a guide to Basecamp. The page offers a login link to its client site, details on how Backpack works, and a screenshot tour. Good inspiration for others who want to offer clients a personalized guide.
Multiple products
How More Riders magazine relies on Basecamp and Highrise
“Highrise works very well to track and maintain all subscriber data. I looked at other magazine subscription and fulfillment software providers. They were both far more expensive than Highrise and seemed very bulky. We only have 50 subscribers (so far), and most of the other providers had user minimums in the low thousands. I can track what type of payment came in, their last paid issue and document when I shipped each issue to them.”
Getting Real
2Large2Email: “Getting Real kick-started our commitment and drove us to finally get down to business”
“We knew we were on a winner but Getting Real’s focus on getting lean, getting personal and getting serious kick-started our commitment and drove us to finally get down to business…Getting Real’s philosophies, grand and small, changed the way I looked at building a quality product. Now that 2Large2Email is growing and thriving, I believe more than ever that Getting Real took our focus to where it needed to be.”
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