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Product blog update: New extras for Highrise, Basecamp on Nightline, etc.

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Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

Why Highrise is the best way for real estate agents to manage leads
“Before Highrise, I’d used a variety of real estate specific CRMS, plugins for outlook, and everything else I could find. After I spent half a day installing, syncing, etc, the novelty would wear off and I wouldn’t use them consistently. Highrise is simple and speedy enough that it’s painless to use consistently.”

Bungalow lets you manage your Highrise task list on your iPhone
“Bungalow brings your Highrise task list to your iPhone so you can manage them on the go. Even if you are not connected to the internet you can tick tasks off, edit them and create new tasks with seamless background syncing when you’re back online.”

task list task list

New Voxtopia extra lets you track your calls through your Highrise account
“With Voxtopia’s integration, you can now track all incoming & outgoing calls through your Highrise account. Voxtopia will automatically add a note to your contacts when you make a call to or receive a call by one of your contacts through Voxtopia.”


Prefinery manages software betas and integrates with Highrise
Prefinery manages betas (for webapps and desktop software) — and it integrates with Highrise. It allows customers to create a splash page, supports a sign-up form with fields and survey questions, and handles incrementally inviting users. Customers can sync their list of testers (early adopters, best customers) with Highrise via the API to track leads, conversations, etc for further down the road. Prefinery also integrates with MailChimp.


Jay Shafer of Tumbleweed Tiny House Company designs and builds small houses ranging from 65 to 837 square feet. He’s spent the last 10 years living in his tiny houses. In this video he gives a tour of a 96 square foot house.

Basecamp on Nov 5 2009 17 comments

Jobs at the 37signals Job Board: Sydney, SF, Seattle, DC, etc.

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Design Jobs

Harvest is looking for a UX Designer in New York, NY.

Scholastic (eScholastic) is looking for a Senior Web Producer in New York, NY.

HubSpot is looking for a Web Design and Usability Maven in Cambridge, MA.

Camelback Web Architects is looking for a Graphics Designer in Dallas, TX.

Fanbase, Inc. is looking for a User Experience Designer in San Francisco, CA.

TripIt is looking for a Visual Design Lead in San Francisco, CA.

View all Design Job listings

Programming Jobs

Online Buddies, Inc. is looking for a Web Developers (Junior – Senior positions available) in Cambridge, MA.

GelaSkins Inc. is looking for a Senior PHP Developer in Toronto, Canada.

Threespot Media is looking for a Front-End Developer in Washington, DC.

MyFDB is looking for a Rails Developer in Los Angeles, CA.

Angry Lapdog Productions is looking for a Rails Programmer in Seattle, WA.

Sharkey Media is looking for a Rails programmer in Sydney, Australia.

View all Programmer Job listings

More jobs

View all of the jobs at the 37signals Job Board. (The Job Board now has internships too.)

Product blog update: New features plus more storage for same price in Basecamp and Highrise

Basecamp wrote this on 3 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

New in Highrise: Filter tasks by category
We just added a new feature to Highrise. Now you can filter your tasks by category. To filter by category, go to the Tasks tab. If you have any categorized tasks, you’ll see a pulldown with the categories you have used in the header of the page.

New in Highrise: More storage, same price
Good news: We’ve just added more file storage to all paying Highrise accounts — at no additional charge. We hope this additional storage helps those who are already near the limit, and encourages others to attach even more files to their contacts without worrying as much about hitting their limit.


Now all Highrise accounts include SSL security
As of today, all Highrise plans — including the free plan — include SSL secure encryption. Prior to this update only Solo, Plus, Premium, and Max plans included SSL. To turn SSL on for your account, click the Settings link at the top of the screen and scroll down to the SSL section.

[Case study] How Basecamp helped Design Extensions grow from a 1 man shop doing under $50k/year to a 5 man shop doing over $250k/year
“Any tips or tricks for other customers? Once a project moves from a production status to more of a maintenance/on-going project that may not be accessed on a regular basis, but we still want to leave active, we move them to the company ‘ZZ Maintenance.’ This helps separate the projects we are in and out of every day from accounts we might only be in once a month.”


How uses Highrise to manage sales leads
Through a feature our programmers have developed, we can feed leads into highrise on demand. Then, these leads are randomly distributed to our sales reps (users/people) and tasks to call the leads are automatically created. The sales reps use HR to manage the entire sales process, from calling and setting meetings to taking meeting notes and referring back to them. We use tags to categorize the leads. I like the note taking and I also like the ability to create tasks.

New in Basecamp: Thumbnail previews of images on the Files tab
Today we added a new feature to make organizing image files in Basecamp even better. Now files such as JPG, TIFF, PNG, and GIF images uploaded to Basecamp show a thumbnail preview on the Files tab. You can click the thumbnail to zoom-in for a larger preview. This makes finding files easier and brings image zooming available elsewhere in Basecamp to the Files tab.


Product Blog update: Color coded categories in Highrise, McSweeney's iPhone app creator credits Getting Real and Basecamp, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 3 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

A novel idea: Use Highrise to keep track of fictional characters’ lives
“If your story is very character heavy, keeping track of all the people in your novel, who they are, and how they interact will be vital to making sure the continuity isn’t interrupted. It may seem silly to treat your fictional characters as real people, but using an online CRM application like Highrise (which offers a free account good for 250 characters), can be a great way to keep track of the people in your book. Create an entry for each character and treat them like real people, attaching notes about their interactions, histories, and characteristics as you write.”

New in Highrise: Color coded categories for tasks and deals
“Today we released a new feature to better organize your tasks and deals in Highrise. Now you can set a custom color for each task category or deal category. For example, you can make your ‘call’ tasks red, your ‘followup’ tasks blue, ‘meetings’ green, or anything you like. Color-coded categories help you organize your work and add a touch of personality to your account.”

Chosen color

McSweeney’s iPhone app creator says Getting Real and Basecamp made it possible
“As McSweeney’s are based on the west coast of America and I’m currently living in Zürich, Switzerland we had a major time difference to contend with. We started using Basecamp that same day, and have used it ever since for everything from reviewing screen designs, to hammering the copy into shape in Writeboards, to keeping track of deadlines and development to-do lists. A second project also served as an excellent platform for our closed beta stage, giving our testers a place to collect the new binaries and leave feedback.”

iphone app

Zendesk adds integration to Basecamp
“Here at Zendesk we use Basecamp to qualify, plan, assess and discuss the hundreds of feature requests we harvest from customers, stakeholders and of course ourselves. Some of these feature requests are spawned of support tickets. In stead of having a manual copy-and-paste workflow, we implemented a Basecamp Target that enabled us to create a message in a Basecamp project directly from a support ticket.”


Jobs at the 37signals Job Board: Trek, The Boston Globe, MailChimp, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 6 comments

Design Jobs

a la mode is looking for a Web Designer in Oklahoma City, OK.

INCISENT Technologies is looking for a Front End Engineer in Austin, TX.

The Garland Group is looking for a Lead Designer / UI Guru in Dallas, TX.

Citrix Online is looking for a UX Designer in Santa Barbara, CA.

SeamlessWeb is looking for a Junior Web Designer in New York, NY.

Sogeo Company is looking for a Senior User Experience Designer in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

View all Design Job listings

Programming Jobs / The Boston Globe is looking for a Programmer / Developer in Boston, MA.

Lumos Labs, Inc is looking for a Flash Developer in San Francisco, CA.

P’unk Avenue is looking for a PHP/Symfony Developer in Philadelphia, PA.

HUGE LLC is looking for a Ruby on Rails Developer in Brooklyn, New York.

VersaPay Corporation is looking for a Rails Programmer in Vancouver, BC.

MailChimp is looking for a Programmer in Atlanta, GA.

View all Programmer Job listings

Miscellaneous Jobs

Trek Bicycle Corporation is looking for a Web Producer in Waterloo, WI.

Weber Marketing Group is looking for a Associate Creative Director / Writer in Seattle, WA.

More jobs

View all of the jobs at the 37signals Job Board. (The Job Board now has internships too.)