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Product Blog update: New features in Highrise, send real time updates from Wufoo, etc.

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Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

New in Highrise: Email Notifications, Daily Digests, Dropbox vCards
We launched a collection of really useful new features for Highrise: email notifications on notes and comments, daily digests via email for Deals and Cases, Dropbox vCards, and email shortcuts.

New in Highrise: Merge companies
Highrise has always allowed you to merge two people into one person. This is handy if you have duplicates or someone spelled someone’s name wrong and there are two separate entries in your Highrise contacts. Today we launch a long requested feature: Merge companies. You can now merge two companies into one company just like you can merge two people into one person.

Using tags in Highrise to organize your customer lists
“We spend a lot of time segmenting our customer and prospect lists so that we can pull different groups out for specific marketing campaigns. We created five priority tags—keywords you attach to contacts to categorize them…We prefix them with ‘@’ to keep these heavily used tags together and sorted at the top of the list. We also create tags to track how prospects and customers have interacted with us—ie. did they download a free resource, attend a teleseminar, buy a particular product or service.”

Highrise tags in action

Linnea’s Baby Room project managed from start to finish with Basecamp
“I created a Basecamp project for the room design, which really made it easy for Gail, Aga and I to share ideas and links in messages, to create to do lists and manage the milestones of the project from start to finish. Basecamp was especially handy for accessing information (e.g. paint color, product URLs) when we needed it most.”

An unofficial Backpack Tips page and Twitter account
“It catalogues the tips and tricks I have learnt over the last two years or so since I became a 37signals product user and general fan.”

Multiple products
Send real time updates from Wufoo to Highrise or Campfire
“We’re constantly hearing stories about how your teams and businesses depend on the ability to react quickly to the leads and registrations gathered with Wufoo. Because of this, we are excited to be releasing a new notification platform to help you send real time updates about the entries you’re collecting in Wufoo to your favorite web applications.”

New on the Launchpad: Deep links
We added a really useful, click-saving-and-time-saving new feature to the 37signals Launchpad (part of the new 37signals ID system). We call this new feature “deep links”.

37signals tools top the list at “100 Apps for Tech–Savvy Teachers”
“More than three million people use this application for a reason — it’s extremely effective for businesses and educators. 37 Signals makes it easier to collaborate, share, discuss and get work done through its programs.”

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Product Blog update: bring your Highrise data to iPhone caller ID screen, new Android app for Basecamp, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 6 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

Free tool lets you create forms that write to your Highrise account lets you “easily create custom forms that post directly to your Highrise account.”

New York Times readers suggest Highrise as better C.R.M. solution than Salesforce or ACT
“We traded down from to Highrise by 37signals and feel it was the best move we ever made. The product runs smoothly, has a crisp user interface and is simple. It is what it is and does the trick.”

PowrFone brings your Highrise data to iPhone caller ID screen
A few seconds before the call reaches your iPhone, a push notification will pop up on your iPhone. The screen-pop provides a full display of caller name, phone number, deal, next task, and tags so you’re prepared to take the call or forward to voicemail.


ReadWriteStart: Basecamp will help “kick-start your company and keep it organized without breaking the bank”
“We here at ReadWriteWeb use Basecamp on a daily basis for managing ongoing projects and reviewing edits of our stories. Developed by 37signals, Basecamp offers a great interface with an easily read dashboard of the latest activity, as well as to-do lists, milestones and email alerts.”

New version of Agile Agenda’s Basecamp Edition released
Agile Agenda, which integrates with Basecamp, is an app that helps you plan a project schedule by calculating start/end dates, GANTT Charts, and estimated project and milestone completion dates.

Beacon is a new Android app for Basecamp
Beacon is an Android app for Basecamp. It offers full offline viewing of all your projects, messages, people, comments, to-dos and milestones. It also gives you the ability to add a message, comment, or milestone. And lots more.

Campfire API now available
Attention developers: Campfire now has an official API (Basecamp, Backpack, and Highrise also have APIs).

Getting Real
How “Make It! Mid-Century Modern” was inspired by Getting Real
“Under-did our competitors: other books in the same niche include more than 50 projects; we chose 12 we knew we could do really well, really quickly.”

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Jobs at the 37signals Job Board: Teach For America, The Huffington Post, BuzzFeed, and more

Basecamp wrote this on Discuss

Design Jobs

New York Times is looking for a Creative Technologist in New York, NY.

Teach For America is looking for a Front-End Developer in New York, NY. is looking for a Product Designer in San Francsico, CA.

OPOWER is looking for a Senior UI Designer in Arlington, VA.

Fog Creek Software is looking for a UX and Graphic Designer in New York, NY.

The Patient’s Guide is looking for a Director of UI/UX in Newport Beach, CA.

View all Design Job listings

Programming Jobs

ActiveProspect, Inc. is looking for a Web Developer/Rubyist in Austin, TX.

Threespot Media is looking for a Web Software Engineer / Developer in Washington, DC.

UrbanDaddy, Inc. is looking for a Lead Developer in New York, NY.

VersaPay Corporation is looking for a Ruby Developer in Vancouver, BC.

Gemini SBS is looking for a Senior Rails Developer in the US (anywhere).

BuzzFeed, Inc is looking for a Perl Developer in New York, NY.

BlackBook Media Corp. is looking for a Systems Engineer in New York, NY.

View all Programmer Job listings

Business/Exec Jobs

The Huffington Post is looking for a Vice President, Technology in New York, NY.

View all Business/Exec listings

More jobs

View all of the jobs at the 37signals Job Board. Subscribe to the full RSS feed and be notified when new jobs are posted. Looking to contract a web design firm or freelancer for a project? Check out Sortfolio.

The top 20 posts of 2009 at Signal vs. Noise (by pageview)

Basecamp wrote this on 4 comments

Here are the top 20 Signal vs. Noise posts of 2009 ranked by number of page views. (Posting will be slow until the new year.) Thanks to everyone for reading!

  2. Hulu CEO: “We screwed up royally”
  3. Now that’s advertising. Leather Creations Furniture.
  4. The next generation bends over
  5. Get Satisfaction, Or Else… and Follow-up on “Get Satisfaction, Or Else…”
  6. Santa Monica BMW’s Checkmate
  7. Forget the resume, kill on the cover letter
  8. The bar for success in our industry is too low
  9. A shorthand for designing UI flows
  10. Mr. Moore gets to punt on sharding
  11. Step one is admitting you have a problem
  12. There’s always time to launch your dream
  13. Writing Decisions: Headline tests on the Highrise signup page
  14. Launch: Haystack – a better way for web designers to find clients and for clients to find web designers
  15. Ryan’s talk on “UI Fundamentals for Programmers”
  16. The method still works
  17. Rework: Unveiling the cover
  18. Open Source Icons
  19. (1) Windows 7 Explorer vs. (2) Dance Dance Revolution
  20. The different sketch styles of the designers at 37signals

And here are five posts from previous years that still managed to be among the most popular here this year:

Product Blog update: the 37signals ID rollout

Basecamp wrote this on 2 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

37signals ID
37signals ID begins rolling out
Here’s a list of many of the major changes that come along with the 37signals ID username and password system upgrade.

37signals Launchpad: A video walkthrough
The Launchpad lets you access all your 37signals products from a single screen. Move between them with a click, jump back into each app where you left off, rename, reorder, and organize your workflow.

37signals ID update: Now you can have different email addresses for each Basecamp
Now you can have a different email address for each Basecamp account. Just log into a Basecamp account, click “My Info” and edit the email field.

How to: Merge multiple 37signals IDs together
We launched a feature that lets people merge/link different 37signals IDs together. This is helpful if you’ve created two or more different 37signals IDs by accident. Or maybe you created separate identities on purpose originally but would prefer a single ID instead.

Quick tips for accessing your new 37signals Launchpad
Have you transitioned your account to a 37signals ID? If so, here’s a shortcut to the universal login and Launchpad: And if you’re a Safari user, try this: Add the 37s Launchpad as the first item in your Bookmarks Bar. Then hit cmd+1 to quickly load it up!

Car accident? Highrise cases are perfect for handling the aftermath
A car accident is a real pain to deal with on many levels. One way to make the process easier is to use Highrise to collect all the information you’ll need to track: details on the other driver/car, witnesses, passengers, accident location, insurance, attorneys, and more.


Multiple products
Why Basecamp and Campfire would be a better learning management system
“At our university, we use Blackboard as a Learning Management System, and I can’t say that it’s good at all. In this post, I outline the most important shortcomings of Blackboard, the benefits of Basecamp and Campfire, and why the latter would be a better fit for our classes…The thing is that [37signals] products are not designed for education, they are designed for business. Yet, Basecamp and Campfire would be a much better overall fit than the Blackboard we currently use.”

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Product Blog update: Win clients with Basecamp, Backpack tips, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 8 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

How to win a client by including Basecamp in your pitch
“I created a new project, I generated a username and password and sent it to his e-mail which he immediately got via smart phone. I showed him how I had the Chieftent application on my iPhone and I went about creating milestones and to-do lists for his project. If we begin today, I’ll have the design document for you by this date, entered it into Basecamp, if we begin today, I’ll have a mockup via development server for you by this date, entered that into Basecamp too. He was clearly impressed.”

Give your customers Basecamp reporting without requiring them to login
“Want to give customers, partners, suppliers or other external users access to live reporting on specific Basecamp projects, but without giving them a login to Basecamp?”


Interior designer and client use Basecamp to collaborate on design of new baby room
Interior designer and client use Basecamp to collaborate on design of new baby room.

Encamp, a great iPhone app for Basecamp, renamed Insight
Use it and wherever you go you can stay connected with your projects and tasks.


Recent 37signals interviews with UX Magazine, Time Out Chicago, and U. of Chicago Booth School of Business

Basecamp wrote this on 8 comments

UX Magazine published an in-depth interview with David. It’s a lengthy piece that touches on UI, business, programming, Getting Real, and more. Really comprehensive piece that’s worth checking out. Audio clips of the interview are included throughout too. (Also, check out the nice URL style the magazine uses.)

We keep comparing ourselves to the notion of chefs. When you walk into a high-end restaurant, you really don’t get a whole lot of choice. Usually, the hallmark of a high-end restaurant is the chef’s menu. The chef prepared courses of a dinner in advance where he made all the choices. You eat there because you trust the chef’s judgment and want his taste. Well, we try to do the same thing. Instead of just giving you a super-long menu, we’ll just give you this set course of plates and you’ll have to trust our judgment on it, and I think you’ll end up with a much tastier meal in the end.

Technically speaking is an interview with Jason that ran in Time Out Chicago.

Fried talks about how “making money is like playing the piano: The earlier you start, the more practice you’re going to have, the better off you’re going to be.” On the day he turned 13, Fried’s father, a Chicago Mercantile Exchange trader, took him to get a work permit. He worked typical jobs—grocery store, gas station, shoe store—but he always had a side business of his own. At 15, Fried got a resale license and began buying stereo equipment at wholesale cost, marking it up and selling it to friends. “I suck at playing the piano,” Fried says, “but I’m good at making money because I’ve had more practice.”

Check out the, um, heavenly image that ran alongside it:


Also, here’s a recent video interview and Q&A with Jason at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business:

Jobs at the 37signals Job Board: Facebook, Garmin, WGBH, etc.

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Design Jobs

Garmin International is looking for a Associate Interactive and Animation Designer in Olathe, KS. is looking for a Product Designer in SOMA/San Francisco, CA.

Facebook is looking for a Product Designer in Palo Alto, CA.

WGBH is looking for a Associate Developer in Boston, MA.

AKQA is looking for a Senior Designer in Washington, DC.

gravitytank is looking for an Interaction Designer in Santa Monica, CA.

View all Design Job listings

Programming Jobs

ekoVenture is looking for a Ruby on Rails Developer in San Francisco, CA.

Gen2Media Corporation is looking for a Senior PHP/MySQL Developer in Orlando, Florida.

Advantage Interactive Ltd is looking for a Ruby on Rails Developer in Hertfordshire, England.

Arc90 is looking for a Web Application Developer in New York, NY.

SingleFeed is looking for a Lead Engineer in San Francisco, CA.

Epoch is looking for a Rails Programmer in Santa Monica, CA.

View all Programmer Job listings

More jobs

View all of the jobs at the 37signals Job Board. (The Job Board now has internships too.)

Product Blog update: Add due dates to to-dos in Basecamp, improved navigation in Haystack, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 5 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

New in Basecamp: Add due dates to to-dos!
This one’s been a long time coming. It’s been our top request for quite a while. Now you can add due dates to to-do lists in Basecamp. We spent a lot of time working on the experience, the interface, and flow, and the speed of this feature. Countless variations and hundreds of little tweaks later, we think we nailed it. We hope you’ll agree.

Inc. magazine looks at how an organic produce farm in Indiana uses Basecamp
“Now the partners use Basecamp to discuss strategic decisions and keep up to date on marketing efforts, crop conditions, and chores. Through Basecamp, the partners also check a daily log from Caruso, the farm’s manager, who documents what happens in the fields. Among her recent posts: ‘Fixed a little wind damage on the field. Not too bad, though. Much warmer and windy. Mice seem to be eating squash seeds, so I moved all trays up to the cloche.’ Entries like that help all the partners sleep a little easier.”

SHO farm pic

New in Basecamp: An easier way to add 10 milestones at a time
“Now just click a ‘Pick a date’ field and up pops a calendar. Click the day and it’s set. That’s all there is too it. Faster, easier, more contextual, and more fun to use.”


[Case study] SEO company: “Basecamp has cut our project management time in half”
Dan Kaplan from SEO company periscopeUP tells us how his team uses Basecamp to manage two production facilities, three writers, and three designers spread around the world.
