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Basecamp is everyone’s favorite project management app.
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Earlier today in our Campfire chat room we shared a cartoon, discussed Textorize (a Ruby script that generates image headlines with better text rendering than Photoshop), and posted an interesting tweet. This shot is a good example of how chatting takes on a whole new dimension when you can add in images, tweets, etc.

Basecamp on Sep 30 2009 18 comments

Product Blog update: Faster cases/deals in Highrise, create timelines with Basecamp, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on Discuss

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

New in Highrise: Quickly file a note or email under a case or deal
We launched a new Highrise feature that makes it a lot faster and easier to file a note or email under a case or deal. This new feature will save you clicks and time — especially when filing a lot of notes/emails one after another.

Highrise is “especially suited” to small groups of lawyers and solo firms
“It does a superb job of organizing our client interactions. It can do the same for yours…It’s a wonderful tool, especially suited to small groups and solo firms.”

Create a timeline of a Basecamp project with BEEDOCS Timeline 3D
“You can quickly create timeline charts of the information in your Basecamp projects. I think this will be really useful to help you present executive summaries of your project status to either team members or to your customers.”


Seattle mayoral candidate uses Basecamp for campaign
“Mcginn, who uses web 2.0 Company 37Signals’ project management web application Basecamp for his campaign as well as social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter…”

Keyboard shortcuts for editing Basecamp to-do items
Basecamp power user tip: Hover over a to-do item and press ‘e’ to edit it. Then press return to submit or esc to cancel. Less clicking, more to-doing!


Product Blog update: New "All Pages" screen in Backpack, Campfire deals with spotty connections, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 1 comment

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

New in Backpack: Improved “All Pages” screen
We’ve just improved the way pages are listed on your “All Pages” screen in Backpack. The redesigned list’s clear alphabetical groupings make it easier to find the page you’re looking for.


New in Campfire: Better hospitality over spotty Internet connections
We built a new feature to keep track of any messages that didn’t send. If for some reason your messages, pastes or images don’t send correctly, Campfire will now try again another time. If Campfire still can’t send your message, it will show a red notice below your message to notify you that the message wasn’t sent. This helps to make sure nobody miscommunicates or misses out in the event of a troublesome Internet connection.

Message wasn't sent

5 Basecamp tips from creator of web design bootcamp that teaches Basecamp 101
On September 17th, Ivan Stegic will be conducting the following workshop in Minneapolis: Web Design Bootcamp – Web 101, Drupal 101 & Basecamp 101 (“a full day seminar of everything you should know before you design your first website”). We asked Ivan to give us a few Basecamp tips.


Jobs at the 37signals Job Board: Yelp, Disney, E*Trade, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on Discuss

Design Jobs

Yelp, Inc. is looking for a UI Product Manager in San Francisco, CA.

Disney Online Studios Canada is looking for a Team Leader, Web Design in Kelowna, BC, Canada.

New York Times is looking for a Web Designer – Flash & Web Standards Expert in New York, NY.

E*Trade Financial Corporation is looking for a Product Experience Designer in New York, NY or Menlo Park, CA.

Opportunity Links Ltd is looking for a Snr Designer / Developer in Cambridge, UK.

Temple University is looking for a Senior Interactive Developer in Philadelphia, PA.

View all Design Job listings

Programming Jobs

LinkedIn is looking for a Software Engineer – Ruby on Rails in Mountain View, CA.

Princeton University is looking for a Web Developer in New York, NY or Philadelphia, PA.

Starbucks Coffee Company is looking for a Senior Front End Web Developer in Seattle, WA.

Apple Inc. is looking for a Sr. Java Script Front-End Engineer in Cupertino, CA.

Centro is looking for a Software Test Engineer in Chicago, IL.

Positive Energy is looking for a Senior Software Engineer in Arlington, VA.

View all Programmer Job listings

Customer Service & Support

Faria Systems Inc. is looking for a Education Evangelist in the US.

Themis Solutions is looking for a Customer Support Specialist in Vancouver, BC.

View all Customer Service/Support Job listings

More jobs

View all of the jobs at the 37signals Job Board. (The Job Board now has internships too.)

[Fly on the Wall] Window control with MercuryMover

Basecamp wrote this on 20 comments
Mark I.
This is why I <3 my 30" monitor:
Mark I.
Jamis B.
head explodes
Mark I.
The 7 main windows are cmd 1-7.
Mark I.
Super handy.
Josh P.
Do you have a program that titles those windows for you? :P
Mark I.
Mark I.
I have hotkeys for each window position.
Mark I.
So I open a window and hit ctrl-cmd-uparrow then hit a-g, depending on the location.
Mark I.
Once I had them all laid out, I just saved a window group in Terminal.
Mark I.
And it’ll open them all in the same spots.

From our internal 37signals Campfire chat room.

Product Blog update: Sherpa brings Basecamp to iPhone, Pulse/Highrise, Backpack Bookmarklet, etc.

Basecamp wrote this on 9 comments

Some recent posts at the 37signals Product Blog:

Import Your Highrise companies and deals into Pulse
Pulse is a web-based cash flow management tool that just added the ability to import Highrise companies and deals.

import from

New in Highrise: Improved contact editing
We’ve just improved editing and adding contacts in Highrise. The new edit contact screen is shorter, less cluttered, and better organized. It lets you focus on only the pieces of information that are important for each contact without cluttering the screen with empty text fields.



We’ve added new categories to The 37signals Job Board. You can now choose from Customer Service/Support, iPhone Developer, Business/Exec, Copywriter, Programming, Miscellaneous, and Design.

Basecamp on Aug 6 2009 2 comments

Interesting UI choices by Pagehand

Basecamp wrote this on 11 comments

Pagehand is a word processing app designed exclusively for Mac OS X. It has some unique UI touches for being a desktop word processor. (One of the app’s features: “Never forces you to choose from a bewildering array of small icons.”)

Say you have a document open and you want to change it from one column to two columns, you click the ‘Columns’ button in the toolbar:


And the toolbar gets replaced by a special “columns” state.


Check out how you set the options:


When you’re done, you click in the body of your document to revert the toolbar back to its normal state.

That’s a very different approach from the Word-style dialog box with 10 fields in it. The downside is you have to navigate quite a lot to do simple things. But maybe it’s better in the end.

Separately, it’s interesting how the app’s UI is used for the layout of the app’s marketing site too:


[Fly on the Wall] Generic brands get classy with design

Basecamp wrote this on 26 comments

From our internal Campfire chat room:

Sam S.
i like how supermarket house brands seem to have nice clean packaging lately
Jason Z.
totally, Sam
Jason Z.
Have you seen the new stuff Walmart is doing?
Sam S.
house brands used to look cheap but now they look expensive
Jason Z.
Jason Z.
Sam S.
haven’t seen that
Jason Z.
Sam S.
safeway/dominick’s O Organics branding is nice
Jason Z.
I think those are pretty fresh
Ryan S.
it’s interesting how white space packaging has been slowly moving downmarket
Ryan S.
over the last like, 6 years
